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The popup menu displays the graphical box but there is no menu items inside the box. Here is a scenario that causes the same trouble we see on our GUI. Keep in mind that while this seems like an odd way to create the problem (no normal user would ever do this), it happens intermittently on our product under normal use - this is just one way that was found to force the problem to happen "on demand". Start SwingSet2 using java - jar SwingSet2 (SwingSet2 is located in /usr/java1.5/demo/jfc/SwingSet2. >>> Click in any UI buttons for about 2 minutes. >>> Click on the File menu and hold the arrow key -> for 5 minutes (you >>> can >>> use scotch tape to hold key). ###@###.### 2004-12-14 22:00:49 GMT Customer provided a new test case to reproduce the problem. I am able to reproduce the problem as described below. After launching the application, do the following: (Note: there are several times when the app comes up *without* the menu labels, just a blank strip above the tabbed pane) 1. Select one fo the menus (Say Menu5) and press and hold the right arrow key. This simply cycles thru all the menus. 2. After a while all the menus will blank out. 3. Now click on File menu and do Alt+S. You will see a blank JOptionPane. 4. Click on File menu and do Alt+ O. You will see a distorted FileChooser dialog. ###@###.### 2005-2-04 00:21:51 GMT