JDK-6267861 : Blank/grey (empty) Java Control Panel screen after JRE installation
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: client-libs
  • Sub-Component: 2d
  • Affected Version: 5.0u4
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Duplicate
  • OS: windows_xp
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2005-05-10
  • Updated: 2011-01-31
  • Resolved: 2005-07-18
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Installed JRE version 1.5.0_02 on Windows XP system. To access Java Control Panel from the Windows Control Panel, clicked on Java (coffee cup icon), it just shows an empty box without any text. We have received multiple similar incidents from consumers reporting exact behvaior.

Check following incidents in IM:
422772, 433430, 423737, 423530, 422441
url to check incident details:
Note: Replace incident number from 422772 for other incidents

###@###.### 2005-05-10 10:38:59 GMT

Quoting from Incident submission:
"Whenever I run ANY Java App on my winxp sp2 based system I cannot see the GUI interface ... this also happens with the web start app ... the program is running but all I can see is a grey screen.

I do see the plugin and if I double click on it it will bring up the control panel window but again this seems to contain no text, there are no error messeges just the fact that I can view nothing in the windows and it happens in all java app's on my computer, E.G Gallery Mage 2 
###@###.### 2005-05-11 06:54:33 GMT

EVALUATION This is swing rendering issue. I am able to see similar behavior with JRE 1.5.0 on my solaris 9 machine while running Netbeans 4.0. After running Netbeans for couple of days popup menues and popup dialogs appear empty. I have screenshot here: http://oklahoma.east/deployment/webrevs/mfisher/uichanges/EmptyMenus-gtk.gif I am running on Sunblade 2000 with XVR 1000 graphics card. I see no exceptions in the terminal window where I started Netbeans. ###@###.### 2005-06-07 20:17:43 GMT All these reports on XP, so I tend to think Rita is seeing something else. Most likely 6208545. I spoke with Chris about the XP issue and this is a known issue (on the 2D side). I'm reassigning to 2D to potentially close out. I also mentioned that if it's only a couple of video cards we should try and dig out the registry entry that the drivers are using so that we can at least conditionalize based on that. ###@###.### 2005-07-18 22:57:05 GMT This is a duplicate of 5023096: Empty(completely gray) Dialogs and Windows with ATI graphics card which was partly addressed by the fix for 6213204: Starting any java program causes the screen to become blurred in mustang. The problem is that the user is forced AA option in the video driver control panel. This doesn't work well with our Direct3D pipeline. Note that there's no way for application to detect that user has enabled this option for the driver, so we can't just disable Direct3D in this case. Note that by forcing the full screen AA for ALL applications instead of leaving it to the application developer user basically agreed to whatever sideeffects this may impose, whether it's worsened performance or quality. In our case, unfortunately, the application just becomes unusable. ###@###.### 2005-07-18 23:19:39 GMT

WORK AROUND Try settings the Anti Alias settings to default in case of ATI Graphics Card. This will ensure that Java Control Panel in the Windows Control Panel behave properly. ###@###.### 2005-05-11 06:54:34 GMT Another workaround is to disable the use of Direct3D by Java2D. To do this, either set env variable J2D_D3D=false in the System Properties dialog, or add -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false to the runtime options in the Java Control Panel. ###@###.### 2005-07-18 23:19:39 GMT