My apologies if this is the wrong category, or an already known problem, or a bug in NetBeans. It does look like a regression caused by Swing, though.
What I'm seeing with Mustang b36 and b37 is that redrawing in NetBeans 4.1 no longer works properly. Specifically, when NetBeans starts up, it usually shows you the same panels as when it was last exited. But now it shows you a completely grey area under the shortcut buttons. If you explicitly open a project (perhaps the one you were already editing), then the various stuff for that project does appear. But the navigation panel (bottom left panel) doesn't work. It correctly displays <No Java class selected>, but when a Java class *is* selected it remains grey, although the panel does have a title.
This is with NetBeans 4.1 running on Solaris 10 on a Sparc (UltraSparc 60). I run it with --jdkhome /path/to/mustang to see the problem. Help->About->Details shows VM as "Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.6.0-ea-b37". Running with -J-server doesn't change anything. With Tiger, everything works, and the corresponding string is "Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.5.0_03-b07".
###@###.### 2005-05-20 15:10:30 GMT