Blocks :
In the context of JDK-8202762, we're going to need to make the jdk.aot module upgradeable. Otherwise, it is impossible to run or test the version of jdk.aot under development in a Graal repo: java --module-path=../sdk/mxbuild/modules/org.graalvm.graal_sdk.jar:../truffle/mxbuild/modules/ --upgrade-module-path=mxbuild/modules/jdk.internal.vm.compiler.jar:mxbuild/modules/ -m jdk.aot/ Error occurred during initialization of boot layer java.lang.module.FindException: Hash of jdk.aot (55cfefcfb0ca2a8b12403c47848d2bbd54416149cfe75f5051ad77628a2764b4) differs to expected hash (e6882d3461a21ea46c52da87ef52b5850a7b1f5ae0cfd650b7f784c970aaa0ee) recorded in java.base From [~mchung]: "jdk.aot is a tool module (jaotc) and no exported API. It depends on an upgradeable module jdk.internal.vm.compiler and no one requires jdk.aot."