JDK-8160020 : Replace obsolete JavaFX applications on OTN with Ensemble8
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: deploy
  • Sub-Component: javafx
  • Affected Version: 9
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Submitted: 2016-06-21
  • Updated: 2018-11-28
  • Resolved: 2017-09-22
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JDK-8177503 :  
We currently host two JavaFX sample applications on OTN on the following page:


1. Ensemble: applet that runs Ensemble2 application in the browser

2. SwingInterop: jnlp application that runs a JFXPanel (Swing interop) application via Java Web Start

The Ensemble application no longer runs in JDK 9 for two reasons:

* It uses the Builder classes which were deprecated in JDK 8 and removed in JDK 9 as part of the Jigsaw work

* It references internal (com.sun.javafx.*) classes in its CSS style sheets that no longer exist.

The SwingInterop application is superseded by the SwingInterop sample in Ensemble8 so is not needed as a standalone application.

Both of the above applications are compiled with JDK 7 and use only FX 2 APIs. Now that JDK 7 is past end of public update, our hosted samples no longer need to run on JDK 7. We should replace both of them with a single Ensemble8 application, which should run as a Java Web Start app.
This issue is now fixed. The OTN page points to the new Ensemble app.

This is still needed in the JDK 9 time frame.

The new build of Ensemble has been staged: http://download.oracle.com/otndocs/products/javafx/8/samples/Ensemble/Ensemble.jnlp I have tested with 8u92 outside OWAN, 8u122 and 9-ea+163 inside OWAN and all ran successfully, even the Xylophone (AudioClip) samples. All that's left is to change the information posted at: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/overview/javafx-samples-2158687.html

The samples page at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/overview/javafx-samples-2158687.html needs to be updated, that is done separately apparently.

Filed JDK-8170960

Fred, open separate bugs against the issues you and Crystal noticed and link them to this bug report. Dev can go ahead and push the updated sample

[~jijising] I can't reproduce plugin failure issue with verification applet http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre. I tried it more than 20 times. Maybe you loaded the verification applet without closing the browser process which launched Ensemble8 app?

I can see the plug-in failure issue on Mac using verification applet on java.com also , so I don't think this issue is related to Ensemble8 or Javafx . Fred, open a separate bug against this issue.

Verified on win7/x86, IE11 with 9 b146 "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot enter nested loop during animation or layout processing" will show up in trace sometimes after switching among a few demos in the app. See attachment Windows-9-b146-Ensemble.trace.

Verified on mac 10.9.4, safari with 9 b146 After switching among a few demos in the app, the app hangs without exception in trace file. If you reload the page, plugin failure will show(see screenshot) with exception in trace(Ensemble.trace is attached)

All necessary changes to Ensemble8 have been backported from FX 9-dev to 8u-dev. The sample is ready to be built and tested. We should build it from 8u-dev using a recent JDK 8 update release.