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fx2.1Resolved |
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Duplicate :
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JDK-8101620 :
JDK-8101621 :
JDK-8101622 :
It is important for LCD text and for keeping people happy that we have native rasterization available. There are some cases where our current approach is best and some cases where a native approach is best. Nether approach can solve all use cases. So the best solution is let the developer choose on a node by node basis which renderer to use. When Native is best * Reading large chunks of text, native renderers are very carefully tuned with platform fonts to be good to read (Minimize eye strain etc) * Consistency with other naive applications * LCD text as hardware and user preference knowledge is needed that platform renderers have. When our cross platform renderer is best * We want a true to the type (Some native renderers distort type, eg windows on some fonts) * Consistent cross platform rendering of text * Animation, smoothly animating text even on sub-pixel boundaries