J2SE Version (please include all output from java -version flag):
Does this problem occur on J2SE 1.4.x or 5.0.x ? Yes / No (pick one)
Yes, it works fine with Mustang Beta 2
Operating System Configuration Information (be specific):
Windows Vista
Hardware Configuration Information (be specific):
Bug Description:
JDK 5.0u8 was not able to set the default TimeZone on Windows Vista RC1.
Steps to Reproduce (be specific):
Run the simple test case. The correct result should always print
out a local time zone consistent with Windows's current time zone
setting, instead it always get GMT time zone with JDK 1.5
upd 8 and before releases.
public class TestTZ
public static void main(String argv[])
System.out.println( "Local TZ = " +
System.out.println( "Local Time = " + (new Date()));