JDK-4359312 : jdi: LocalVariable.type().signature() on array type: ClassNotLoadedException
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: core-svc
  • Sub-Component: debugger
  • Affected Version: 1.3.0
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Duplicate
  • OS: windows_nt
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2000-08-03
  • Updated: 2001-04-27
  • Resolved: 2001-04-27
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Attempting to run the ptr1421 test case (source code follows) generates
a "com.sun.jdi.ClassNotLoadedException: Class int[] not loaded"

% java -showversion -classpath ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar:. GetLocalVariables
java version "1.3.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.0, mixed mode)

run args: [JavaExprTest]
JVM version:1.3.0
JDI version: 1.3
JVM description: Java Debug Interface (Reference Implementation) version 1.3 
Java Debug Wire Protocol (Reference Implementation) version 1.0
JVM Debug Interface version 1.0
JVM version 1.3.0 (Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, interpreted mode)
    Visible variables at this point are: 
e1 typeName: JavaExprTest signature: LJavaExprTest; primitive type: JavaExprTest
e2 typeName: JavaExprTest signature: LJavaExprTest; primitive type: JavaExprTest
e3 typeName: JavaExprTest signature: LJavaExprTest; primitive type: JavaExprTest
e4 typeName: JavaExprTest signature: LJavaExprTest; primitive type: JavaExprTest
e5 typeName: JavaExprTest signature: LJavaExprTest; primitive type: JavaExprTest
l_char typeName: char signature: C primitive type: char
l_byte typeName: byte signature: B primitive type: byte
l_short typeName: short signature: S primitive type: short
l_int typeName: int signature: I primitive type: int
l_long typeName: long signature: J primitive type: long
l_float typeName: float signature: F primitive type: float
l_double typeName: double signature: D primitive type: double
l_iarray typeName: int[] signature: Exception in thread "main" com.sun.jdi.ClassNotLoadedException: Class int[] not loaded
        at com.sun.tools.jdi.ClassLoaderReferenceImpl.findType(ClassLoaderReferenceImpl.java:92)
        at com.sun.tools.jdi.ReferenceTypeImpl.findType(ReferenceTypeImpl.java:721)
        at com.sun.tools.jdi.LocalVariableImpl.findType(LocalVariableImpl.java:82)
        at com.sun.tools.jdi.LocalVariableImpl.type(LocalVariableImpl.java:77)
        at GetLocalVariables.runTests(GetLocalVariables.java:280)
        at GetLocalVariables.main(GetLocalVariables.java:254)

 *  @test %W% %E%
 *  @bug 4359312
 *  @summary Test PTR 1421 JVM exceptions making a call to LocalVariable.type().name()
 *  @author Tim Bell
 *  @run compile -g GetLocalVariables.java
 *  @run main/othervm GetLocalVariables

import com.sun.jdi.*;
import com.sun.jdi.event.*;
import java.util.*;

 * This class is internal
class JavaExprTest
  private static char    s_char1         = 'a';
  private static char    s_char2         = (char)0;
  private static char    s_char3         = (char)1;
  private static char    s_char4         = (char)32;
  private static char    s_char5         = '\u7ffe';
  private static char    s_char6         = '\u7fff';
  private static char    s_char7         = '\u8000';
  private static char    s_char8         = '\u8001';
  private static char    s_char9         = '\ufffe';
  private static char    s_char10        = '\uffff';

  private static byte    s_byte1         = (byte)146;
  private static byte    s_byte2         = (byte)0;
  private static byte    s_byte3         = (byte)1;
  private static byte    s_byte4         = (byte)15;
  private static byte    s_byte5         = (byte)127;
  private static byte    s_byte6         = (byte)128;
  private static byte    s_byte7         = (byte)-1;
  private static byte    s_byte8         = (byte)-15;
  private static byte    s_byte9         = (byte)-127;
  private static byte    s_byte10        = (byte)-128;

  private static short   s_short1        = (short)28123;
  private static short   s_short2        = (short)0;
  private static short   s_short3        = (short)1;
  private static short   s_short4        = (short)15;
  private static short   s_short5        = (short)0x7ffe;
  private static short   s_short6        = (short)0x7fff;
  private static short   s_short7        = (short)-1;
  private static short   s_short8        = (short)-15;
  private static short   s_short9        = (short)-0x7ffe;
  private static short   s_short10       = (short)-0x7fff;

  private static int     s_int1          = 3101246;
  private static int     s_int2          = 0;
  private static int     s_int3          = 1;
  private static int     s_int4          = 15;
  private static int     s_int5          = 0x7ffffffe;
  private static int     s_int6          = 0x7fffffff;
  private static int     s_int7          = -1;
  private static int     s_int8          = -15;
  private static int     s_int9          = -0x7ffffffe;
  private static int     s_int10         = -0x7fffffff;

  private static long    s_long1         = 0x0123456789ABCDEFL;
  private static long    s_long2         = 0;
  private static long    s_long3         = 1;
  private static long    s_long4         = 15;
  private static long    s_long5         = 0x000000007fffffffL;
  private static long    s_long6         = 0x0000000080000000L;
  private static long    s_long7         = 0x0000000100000000L;
  private static long    s_long8         = 0x7fffffffffffffffL;
  private static long    s_long9         = 0x8000000000000000L;
  private static long    s_long10        = -15;

  private static float   s_float1        = 2.3145f;
  private static float   s_float2        = 0f;

  private static double  s_double1       = 1.469d;
  private static double  s_double2       = 0;

  private static int     s_iarray1[]     = { 1, 2, 3 };
  private static int     s_iarray2[]     = null;

  private static int     s_marray1[][] = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 3, 4, 5 }, null, { 6, 7 } };
  private static int     s_marray2[][] = null;

  private static String  s_sarray1[]     = { "abc", null, "def", "ghi" };
  private static String  s_sarray2[]     = null;
  private static Object  s_sarray3[]     = s_sarray1;

  private static String  s_string1     = "abcdef";
  private static String  s_string2     = null;
  private static String  s_string3     = "a\u1234b\u7777";

  private   char    i_char;
  private   byte    i_byte;
  private   short   i_short;
  private   int     i_int;
  private   long    i_long;
  private   float   i_float;
  private   double  i_double;
  private   int     i_iarray[];
  private   int     i_marray[][];
  private   String  i_string;

  public JavaExprTest()
    int index;

    i_char   = 'B';
    i_byte   = 120;
    i_short  = 12048;
    i_int    = 0x192842;
    i_long   = 123591230941L;
    i_float  = 235.15e5f;
    i_double = 176e-1d;
    i_iarray = new int[5];
    i_marray = new int[7][];
    i_string = "empty";

    for( index = 0; index < i_iarray.length; ++index )
      i_iarray[index] = index + 1;

    i_marray[0] = new int[2];
    i_marray[1] = new int[4];
    i_marray[2] = null;
    i_marray[3] = new int[1];
    i_marray[4] = new int[3];
    i_marray[5] = null;
    i_marray[6] = new int[7];

    for( index = 0; index < i_marray.length; ++index )
      if( i_marray[index] != null )
        for( int index2 = 0; index2 < i_marray[index].length; ++index2 )
          i_marray[index][index2] = index + index2;

  public JavaExprTest( char   p_char,   byte p_byte,     short p_short,
                       int    p_int,    long p_long,     float p_float,
                       double p_double, int  p_iarray[], int   p_marray[][],
                       String p_string )
    i_char   = p_char;
    i_byte   = p_byte;
    i_short  = p_short;
    i_int    = p_int;
    i_long   = p_long;
    i_float  = p_float;
    i_double = p_double;
    i_iarray = p_iarray;
    i_marray = p_marray;
    i_string = p_string;

  public static void test_expressions()
    JavaExprTest e1 = new JavaExprTest();
    JavaExprTest e2 = null;
    JavaExprTest e3 = e1;
    JavaExprTest e4 = new JavaExprTest( s_char1, s_byte1, s_short1, s_int1,
                                        s_long1, s_float1, s_double1,
                                        s_iarray1, s_marray1, "e4" );
    JavaExprTest e5 = new JavaExprTest( s_char2, s_byte2, s_short2, s_int2,
                                        s_long2, s_float2, s_double2,
                                        s_iarray2, s_marray2, "e5" );

    char    l_char   = (char)(
                       s_char1 + s_char2 + s_char3 + s_char4 + s_char5 +
                       s_char6 + s_char7 + s_char8 + s_char9 + s_char10);
    byte    l_byte   = (byte)(
                       s_byte1 + s_byte2 + s_byte3 + s_byte4 + s_byte5 +
                       s_byte6 + s_byte7 + s_byte8 + s_byte9 + s_byte10);
    short   l_short  = (short)(
                       s_short1 + s_short2 + s_short3 + s_short4 + s_short5 +
                       s_short6 + s_short7 + s_short8 + s_short9 + s_short10);
    int     l_int    = s_int1 + s_int2 + s_int3 + s_int4 + s_int5 +
                       s_int6 + s_int7 + s_int8 + s_int9 + s_int10;
    long    l_long   = s_long1 + s_long2 + s_long3 + s_long4 + s_long5 +
                       s_long6 + s_long7 + s_long8 + s_long9 + s_long10;
    float   l_float  = s_float1 + s_float2;
    double  l_double = s_double1 + s_double2;
    int[]   l_iarray = null;
    int[][] l_marray = null;
    String  l_string = s_string1 + s_string3 + s_sarray1[0];

    if( s_sarray2 == null )
      l_string += "?";

    if( s_sarray3 instanceof String[] )
      l_string += "<io>";

    Object e6 = new JavaExprTest( l_char, l_byte, l_short, l_int,
                                  l_long, l_float, l_double, l_iarray,
                                  l_marray, l_string );

    e1.test_1();// <-- this is line 198

    e3 = null;
    if( e3 == e1 )
    e3 = e4;
    if( e3 == e2 )
      e3 = e5;


  public void test_1()
    double  l_add      = i_double + i_short;
    long    l_subtract = i_long   - i_int;
    long    l_multiply = i_byte   * i_int;

    i_double = l_add + i_float;
    i_short  = (short)l_subtract;
    i_long   = l_multiply + i_byte + i_short;

  public static void main( String args[] )

 * End this class is internal

 * "GetLocalVariables" test starts up JavaExprTest
 * and then fetches information about some local
 * variables.
public class GetLocalVariables extends JDIScaffold {
    final String debugeeName = "JavaExprTest";
    final String[] args;

    boolean failed = false;

    GetLocalVariables (String args[]) {
	this.args = args;

    public static void main(String[] args)
	throws Exception
	new GetLocalVariables (args).runTests();

    protected void runTests()
	throws Exception
	List argList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(args));
	System.out.println("run args: " + argList);
	connect((String[]) argList.toArray(args));

	try {
	    BreakpointEvent bp = resumeTo(debugeeName, 198);
	     * We've arrived.  Look around at some variables.
	    StackFrame frame = bp.thread().frame(0);
	    List localVars = frame.visibleVariables();
	    System.out.println("    Visible variables at this point are: ");
	    for (Iterator it = localVars.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
		LocalVariable lv = (LocalVariable)it.next();
		System.out.print  (lv.name());
		System.out.print  (" typeName: ");
		System.out.print  (lv.typeName());
		System.out.print  (" signature: ");
		System.out.print  (lv.type().signature());
		System.out.print  (" primitive type: ");
	} finally {
	    // Allow application to complete
	System.out.println("GetLocalVariables: passed");


EVALUATION Yes. Unit test program named GetLocalVariables.java included in description. tim.bell@Eng 2000-10-04 The underlying cause of this is 4450091 - GetClassLoaderClasses does not return primitive arrays robert.field@Eng 2001-04-27