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Problem with native stack entries According to http://java.sun.com/products/jpda/doc/jdi/com/sun/jdi/Location.html native methods should be flagged with a code index of -1 (and line number -1). With the Sun 1.3 RC3, we are seeing them with a code index of 0 (and line number -1). run 'java ptr1441' to see the problem % java -version java version "1.4.0" % \rm *.class % javac -g ptr1441.java % java ptr1441 Action: Launching: JavaExprTest Event: VMStartEvent in thread main Event: ###@###.###lassLoader$1.run()+72 in thread main Thread count : 4 Thread : name(Signal Dispatcher), grp(system), stat(running), susp(1) Stack count for thread Signal Dispatcher : 0 Thread : name(Finalizer), grp(system), stat(wait), susp(1) Stack count for thread Finalizer : 4 0: ci(-1), line(-1), class(java.lang.Object), mthd(wait) 1: ci(48), line(111), class(java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue), mthd(remove) 2: ci(2), line(126), class(java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue), mthd(remove) 3: ci(6), line(162), class(java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread), mthd(run) Thread : name(Reference Handler), grp(system), stat(wait), susp(1) Stack count for thread Reference Handler : 3 0: ci(-1), line(-1), class(java.lang.Object), mthd(wait) 1: ci(2), line(420), class(java.lang.Object), mthd(wait) 2: ci(49), line(110), class(java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler), mthd(run) Thread : name(main), grp(main), stat(running), susp(1) Stack count for thread main : 7 0: ci(72), line(200), class(java.net.URLClassLoader$1), mthd(run) 1: ci(-1), line(-1), class(java.security.AccessController), mthd(doPrivileged) 2: ci(13), line(188), class(java.net.URLClassLoader), mthd(findClass) 3: ci(43), line(297), class(java.lang.ClassLoader), mthd(loadClass) 4: ci(36), line(286), class(sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader), mthd(loadClass) 5: ci(3), line(253), class(java.lang.ClassLoader), mthd(loadClass) 6: ci(2), line(313), class(java.lang.ClassLoader), mthd(loadClassInternal) Action: Quit