JDK-8231126 : libxslt.md has incorrect version string
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: javafx
  • Sub-Component: web
  • Affected Version: 8u221,openjfx13
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Submitted: 2019-09-17
  • Updated: 2020-03-18
  • Resolved: 2019-09-23
The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed.

Unresolved : Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed.
Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

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JDK 8 Other
8u241Fixed openjfx11.0.7Fixed
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JDK-8217942 updated libxslt to version 1.1.33, and recorded this update in libxslt.md. The fix for JDK-8222746 overwrote the version number in libxslt.md, inadvertently reverting the text in the .md file to "v1.1.32".

This needs to be changed back to "v1.1.33" to match the actual version we use.
OpenJFX-specific, does not affect vanilla OpenJDK, putting openjdk-na.

Changeset: 5e0b865ec519 Author: kcr Date: 2019-09-23 08:15 -0700 URL: https://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/jfx-dev/rt/rev/5e0b865ec519 8231126: libxslt.md has incorrect version string Reviewed-by: ghb

PR for review: https://github.com/javafxports/openjdk-jfx/pull/593