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Testsuite name: Regression manual Test name(s): java/awt/font/TextLayout/TestGASPHint.html Product(s) tested: JDK 11.0.1 b02(64bit) OS/architecture: Win2016 x64/Jtreg4.2 b12 Instruction: A short piece Devanagari text should appear without any artifacts. In particular there should be no "empty rectangles" representing the missing glyph. Actual behavior: 1) The Devanagari text does not shown and a string of empty rectangles shown refer to TestGASPHint.jpg. 2) The case has no such issue with JDK 10.0.2 b13 refer to TestGASPHint-2.jpg. Affect case: java/awt/font/NumericShaper/ShaperTest.html Instruction: A line of text containing mixed numeric and other text is drawn four times. (Depending on the font/platform, some of the other text may not be visible). There are four runs of digits, '123' at the front of the text, '456' after english text, '789' after Arabic text, and '012' after Hebrew text. In the first line, all four runs of digits should be present as ASCII digits. In the second line, all four runs of digits should be Arabic digits (they may not be visible if the font does not support Arabic). In the third line, the inital run of digits (123) and the one following the Arabic text (789) should be Arabic, while the others should be ASCII. In the fourth line, only the digits following the Arabic text (789) should be Arabic, and the others should be ASCII. Pass the test if this is true. Actual behavior: 1)The Hebrew text does not shown and some empty rectangles shown refer to ShaperTest.jpg. 2) The case has no such issue with JDK 10.0.2 b13 refer to ShaperTest-2.jpg.