JDK-8032063 : javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$FilterComboBoxModel extends non-standard API
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: client-libs
  • Sub-Component: javax.swing
  • Affected Version: 8
  • Priority: P1
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Submitted: 2014-01-17
  • Updated: 2017-05-19
  • Resolved: 2014-01-23
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Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

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8 b126Fixed 9Fixed
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javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$FilterComboBoxModel extends sun.swing.AbstractFilterComboBoxModel
thus sun.swing.AbstractFilterComboBoxModel is exposed though it's non public API.

Verified in jdk8b129 Bug JDK-8010718 is not fixed (see comments at JDK-8010718), code refactoring is ok

Alexander, please open new bug to track JDK-8022398 issue, since we rolled back by P1 fix JDK-8032063 javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$FilterComboBoxModel extends non-standard API

Please note that if the fix contains any change to public API, CCC request should be filed and approved before integrating the fix.

Added tck-red label to identify this as a conformance stopper.

Release team: Approved for fixing

SQE OK to push to 8, as well.

The initial issue is P3 JDK-8022398 Use one FilterComboBoxModel for all L&Fs which has the netbeans label. The rollback of the fix is sent to the review: http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/swing-dev/2014-January/003208.html

what is a bugID fix which caused this issue? please link to that webrev and review, should we make a roll back?

what is a bugID fix which caused this issue? should we make a roll back?

- webrev link: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/8032063/webrev.01/ - review link: http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/swing-dev/2014-January/003210.html - issue impact: exposing non public API - fix rational: rollback of the previous fix JDK-8022398 -risks: the issue JDK-8022398 will be reproduced again -suggested testing: check that javadoc for the javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI.FilterComboBoxModel class does not contain links to the sun.swing.AbstractFilterComboBoxModel class

This must be fixed in 8. As it stands now, the SE 8 Platform Specification refers to a class in sun.swing, which is simply not permissible. I'm puzzled as to why the JCK signature test didn't catch this. It should be a tck-red bug. To be completely clear: The fix is not to submit a CCC request to get this approved, but rather to remove the reference to the sun.swing class.

JDK8: SQE OK to defer

The CCC request has been created: http://ccc.us.oracle.com/8032063

Defer justification: The necessary CCC request can be approved only for JDK 9.

Issues which reflect change which has been done without needed CCC request are filed as conformance issues. Conformance issues have priority of 2.

You have changed the parent of MetalFileChooserUI.FilterComboBoxModel to a class belonging to sun.swing package. This change should have been tracked with a CCC request http://ccc.us.oracle.com/docs/charter Specification = Structure + Text An interface is defined by a specification. A specification consists not only in syntax, names, types, access modifiers, and other structural information (1) Every change to the specification of an exported interface, either external or private, requires a CCC request regardless of the size of the change.

> Was there a CCC request for adding this class and reflecting the change in the JavaSE API specification? The sun.swing.AbstractFilterComboBoxModel has been added as not public class so it does not require the CCC request. Could point to the specification that determines what the exposing public API is and how does it apply to the current issue?

Was there a CCC request for adding this class and reflecting the change in the JavaSE API specification?

please clarify why this is P2 ?