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This must be coordinated with RFE 4287701. Categories would be useful for all class/interface members. Original description, which pertains only to static fields is below: ------------------- Categories are needed for static finals. ex: static final ints RED = 1, YELLOW=2, BLUE=3 Suppose I have a parameter int color, which is expected to take one of these values. JavaDoc needs to be able to specify a category for the possible colors, and include the colors in that catagory. Robert suggest that the syntax should be: /** @category COLOR_VALUES */ static final int RED = 1; /** @category COLOR_VALUES */ static final int YELLOW = 2; /** @category COLOR_VALUES */ static final int BLUE = 3; The syntax is secondary (although the suggested synax seems clunky, there is probably no good alternative until the day that compilers can process XML files, at which point the category could be defined as an XML heading that the compiler would conveniently ignore). The important thing, though, is the ablity to point to a range of values -- a category -- from within a javadoc comment. Then (using embedded tags) you can write: * @param color An int that is one of the {@category COLOR_VALUES} or (with normal @see tags): * @param color An int that is one of the COLOR_VALUES * @see COLOR_VALUES NOTE: We might use @list or @cat or @use instead of @category, since @category is obtrusively long. The presence of categories solves several important problems: 1. Eliminates inane api comments like /** The red color */ for every single static final that is already a self-defining term. [Doug: This is actually important for localized documentation. Therefore, @category tag should be in *addition* to the description, not in place of it.] 2. Makes it possible to keep the api comments up to date as colors are added and removed. [Doug: True, which is useful for point 3 below.] 3. Connects parameters to the set of intended values. At the moment static finals are usually unconnected to @param tags -- the developer has to guess which values are intended, because the values (RED, etc) are not included in the method's comments. But if the values _are_ included in the comments, you get problem and an api that is hard to keep up to date. [Doug: Very useful.] 4. [Added by Doug] Enables members to be grouped by category in the member summary in the documentation. NOTES: * We need a mechanism to provide comments for the category as a whole. Doug suggests an additional CATEGORYTEXT tag. Any comments in it would presumably be added to the category comments (if any). [Doug: Might not be necessary if grouping members in the member summary] * In general, the category comments and list of items in the category should appear in some unique location, most probably at the end of the html file for the class. The {@category COLOR_VALUES} tag should then become a link to that location. That strategy makes it possible to add general category comments and is important for long value-lists, like the virtual keys in java.awt.event. [Doug: Prefer to group the members in the member summary] * Doug suggests that option to copy the list of values into the current location would also be valuable. There are two distinct styles of copying that would need to be supported, imo. One is a comma-separated list: "RED, YELLOW, GREEN". Such a list would not include category comments, and would be suited for short-lists in a param tag. The other style is an HTML-list: <general comments><ul> <li>RED <li>YELLOW <li>GREEN </ul> This style would be suitable for copying into the class description, for example. [Doug: Perhaps an inline tag {@insertCategory COLOR_VALUES} * The name "COLOR_VALUES" is a fairly good prototype. It follows the pattern <type>_VALUES where, in this case, the data type is "COLOR". [Doug: Perhaps this could be defined in the class comment (if it applies only to members of that class). It should also include a localizable name that would appear as a category heading, and could include a description. Perhaps the syntax could have three arguments: {@categoryHead COLOR_VALUES "Colors" "Colors that set the fill or border"} * To be determined is what happens to the entry that would currently be generated for an individual value like RED. At the moment, the entry RED goes into the javadoc index, and it links to the description: "The color Red." But if RED is in the COLOR_VALUES category, then it might not have any text associated with it. If not, then RED should probably link to the html header for the COLOR_VALUES topic. [Doug: The RED index entry should link to the RED field, as usual] * In some cases, it would also be valuable to add an additional comment to a topic. For example: /** * The backspace key. * @category KEY_VALUES */ static final int VK_BKSP ... In this trumped-up example, the abbreviation "BKSP" is not quite as self-evident as the other key names, so it needs some explanation. Now the index entry for VK_BKSP needs to link to a topic for that key, which must in turn include a link to KEY_VALUES.