JDK-7169339 : [macosx] LWJGL library have issues working properly on JDK 7 on Mac OS X
  • Type: Enhancement
  • Component: client-libs
  • Sub-Component: java.awt
  • Affected Version: 7u6
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Open
  • Resolution: Unresolved
  • OS: os_x
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2012-05-16
  • Updated: 2021-07-13
The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed.

Unresolved : Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed.
Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

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Bug Description:

Minecraft uses LWJGL and the LWJGL library have some issues 
working properly on Java 7 and Mac OSX Mountain Lion. 

Apparently it is something with Java 7 dropping support for the way
they handle drawing (something to do with limited AWT support for
hardware accelerated canvases or so).

LWJGL used to be able to get a 'NSView' from the AWT Canvas and 
stick a NSOpenGLContext on it, however this is not possible anymore.
They've done some research and got it to work in applet-mode using 
CALayers but this was rather slow as they had to render to image 
using a pbuffer and it then draws the image on the CALayer. 
For their stand-alone native window an additional problem is that 
the window is still created through Carbon rather than Cocoa 
(which might be able to give the NSView handle).

and relevant code: http://java-game-lib.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/java-game-lib/trunk/LWJGL/src/native/macosx/
the 7u6 RT has marked this as NMI

Please get PM (Aurelio Garcia-Ribeyro) involved.
We would need to see some plan for how we are going to work to get this resolved, or if there are workarounds that are viable for 7updates.

- this is an issue reported against 7(7u), - there are now affected version 9 filed for this issue - 7u issues are transferred to Sustaining Nevertheless if someone have a report against 9 - please reopen and add affectedVersion 9 or 7u specific escalations might be reopen to Sustaining

- this is an issue reported against 7(7u), - there are now affected version 9 filed for this issue - 7u issues are transferred to Sustaining Nevertheless if someone have a report against 9 - please reopen and add affectedVersion 9 or 7u specific escalations might be reopen to Sustaining

These are all approved for deferral to JDK 9 so you can update the FixVersion to state JDK 9. Kind regards, Mathias

These are all approved for deferral to JDK 9 so you can update the FixVersion to state JDK 9. Kind regards, Mathias

These are all approved for deferral to JDK 9 so you can update the FixVersion to state JDK 9. Kind regards, Mathias

Converted "8-client-defer-candidate" label to "8-defer-request" by SQE' OK.

*This is anti-deferral criteria list*: - P2 -------------- Engineering's Criteria ------------------------------------- - tck-red labeled - conformance labeled - P3 regressions reported/labeled against jdk8 - findbugs, parfait, eht labeled bugs - CAP <1 year reported - netbeans <1 year reported Victor ----------------- SQE's OK --------------------------------- Yes, we are ok with that thanks, Mikhail

EVALUATION We need more specifics on the problem directly from them. Can you ask all those questions, ie : 1. Do they mean a problem with JAWT ? 2. Can they characterise the exact problem ? what happens and why sort of thing .. 3. Is it seen as a problem that is between LWJGL and the JDK ? 4. Is it *specific* to Mountain Lion, or also a problem on Lion ? 5. Have they tried the latest LWJGL?