JDK-8324965 : JEP 466: Class-File API (Second Preview)
  • Type: JEP
  • Component: core-libs
  • Sub-Component: java.lang.classfile
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Delivered
  • Fix Versions: 23
  • Submitted: 2024-01-30
  • Updated: 2024-09-27
  • Resolved: 2024-07-16
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JDK-8326744 :  

Provide a standard API for parsing, generating, and transforming Java class
files. This is a [preview API](https://openjdk.org/jeps/12).


The [Class-File API](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/22/docs/api/java.base/java/lang/classfile/package-summary.html) was proposed as a preview feature by [JEP 457](https://openjdk.org/jeps/457) in [JDK 22](https://openjdk.org/projects/jdk/22/). We here propose a second preview with refinements based upon experience and feedback. In this preview, we have:

- Streamlined the `CodeBuilder` class. This class has three kinds of factory methods for bytecode instructions: low-level factories, mid-level factories, and high-level builders for basic blocks. Based on feedback, we removed mid-level methods that duplicated low-level methods or were infrequently used, and we renamed the remaining mid-level methods to improve usability.

- Made the `AttributeMapper` instances in `Attributes` accessible via static methods instead of static fields, to allow lazy initialization and reduce startup cost.

- Remodeled `Signature.TypeArg` to be an algebraic data type, to ease access to the bound type when the `TypeArg`'s kind is bounded.

- Added type-aware `ClassReader::readEntryOrNull` and `ConstantPool::entryByIndex` methods which throw `ConstantPoolException` instead of `ClassCastException` if the entry at the index is not of the desired type. This allows class-file processors to indicate that a constant pool entry-type mismatch is a class-file format problem instead of the processor's problem.

- Improved the `ClassSignature` class to model the generic signatures of superclasses and superinterfaces more accurately.

- Fixed a naming inconsistency in `TypeKind`.

- Removed the implementation methods from `ClassReader`.


- Provide an API for processing class files that tracks the `class`
  file format defined by the
  [Java Virtual Machine Specification](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se23/html/jvms-4.html).

- Enable JDK components to migrate to the standard API, and eventually
  remove the JDK's internal copy of the third-party ASM library.


- It is not a goal to obsolete existing libraries that process class
  files, nor to be the world's fastest class-file library.

- It is not a goal to extend the
  [Core Reflection API](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/api/java.base/java/lang/reflect/package-summary.html)
  to give access to the bytecode of loaded classes.

- It is not a goal to provide code analysis functionality; that can be
  layered atop the Class-File API via third-party libraries.


Class files are the lingua franca of the Java ecosystem. Parsing,
generating, and transforming class files is ubiquitous because it allows
independent tools and libraries to examine and extend programs without
jeopardizing the maintainability of source code. For example, frameworks
use on-the-fly bytecode transformation to transparently add
functionality that would be impractical, if not impossible, for
application developers to include in source code.

The Java ecosystem has many libraries for parsing and generating class files, 
each with different design goals, strengths, and weaknesses. 
Frameworks that process class files generally bundle a
class-file library such as [ASM](https://asm.ow2.io/),
[BCEL](https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-bcel/), or
[Javassist](https://www.javassist.org/). However, a significant
problem for class-file libraries is that the [class-file format](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se23/html/jvms-4.html)
is evolving more quickly than in the past, due to the [six-month release cadence](https://openjdk.org/projects/jdk/)
of the JDK. In recent years, the class-file format has evolved to
support Java language features such as
[sealed classes](https://openjdk.org/jeps/409) and to expose JVM
features such as [dynamic constants](https://openjdk.org/jeps/309) and
[nestmates](https://openjdk.org/jeps/181). This trend will continue with
forthcoming features such as
[value classes](https://openjdk.org/jeps/401) and generic method

Because the class-file format can evolve every six months, frameworks
are more frequently encountering class files that are newer than the
class-file library that they bundle. This version skew results in errors
visible to application developers or, worse, in framework developers
trying to write code to parse class files from the future and engaging
in leaps of faith that nothing too serious will change. Framework
developers need a class-file library that they can trust is up-to-date
with the running JDK.

The JDK has its own class-file library inside the `javac` compiler. It also
bundles ASM to implement tools such as `jar` and `jlink`, and to
support the implementation of lambda expressions at run time.
Unfortunately, the JDK's use of a third-party library causes a
tiresome delay in the uptake of new class-file features across the
ecosystem. The ASM version for JDK N cannot finalize until after JDK N
finalizes, so tools in JDK N cannot handle class-file features that
are new in JDK N, which means `javac` cannot safely emit class-file
features which are new in JDK N until JDK N+1. This is especially
problematic when JDK N is a highly anticipated release such as JDK 21, and
developers are eager to write programs that entail the use of new
class-file features.

The Java Platform should define and implement a standard class-file API that
evolves together with the class-file format.  Components of the Platform would
be able to rely solely on this API, rather than rely perpetually on the
willingness of third-party developers to update and test their class-file
libraries. Frameworks and tools that use the standard API would support class
files from the latest JDK automatically, so that new language and VM
features with representation in class files could be adopted quickly and


We have adopted the following design goals and principles for the [Class-File API](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/23/docs/api/java.base/java/lang/classfile/package-summary.html).

- _Class-file entities are represented by immutable objects_ — All class-file
entities, such as fields, methods, attributes, bytecode instructions, annotations, etc.,
are represented by immutable objects.  This facilitates reliable sharing when a
class file is being transformed.

- _Tree-structured representation_ — A class file has a tree structure.  A class
has some metadata (name, superclass, etc.), and a variable number of fields,
methods, and attributes. Fields and methods themselves have metadata and further
contain attributes, including the `Code` attribute.  The `Code` attribute
further contains instructions, exception handlers, and so forth.  The API for
navigating and building class files should reflect this structure.

- _User-driven navigation_ — The path we take through the class-file tree is
driven by user choices.  If the user cares only about annotations on fields then
we should only have to parse as far down as the annotation attributes inside the
`field_info` structure; we should not have to look into any of the class
attributes or the bodies of methods, or at other attributes of the field.  Users
should be able to deal with compound entities, such as methods, either as single
units or as streams of their constituent parts, as desired.

- _Laziness_ — User-driven navigation enables significant efficiencies, such as
not parsing any more of the class file than is required to satisfy the user's
needs.  If the user is not going to dive into the contents of a method then we
need not parse any more of the `method_info` structure than is needed to figure
out where the next class-file element starts. We can lazily inflate, and cache,
the full representation when the user asks for it.

- _Unified streaming and materialized views_ — Like ASM, we want to support both
a streaming and a materialized view of a class file. The streaming view is
suitable for the majority of use cases, while the materialized view is more
general since it enables random access.  We can provide a materialized view far
less expensively than ASM through laziness, as enabled by immutability.  We can,
further, align the streaming and materialized views so that they use a common
vocabulary and can be used in coordination, as is convenient for each use case.

- _Emergent transformation_ — If the class-file parsing and generation APIs are
sufficiently aligned then transformation can be an emergent property that does
not require its own special mode or significant new API surface.  (ASM achieves
this by using a common visitor structure for readers and writers.)  If classes,
fields, methods, and code bodies are readable and writable as streams of
elements then a transformation can be viewed as a flat-map operation on this
stream, defined by lambdas.

- _Detail hiding_ — Many parts of a class file (constant pool, bootstrap method
table, stack maps, etc.) are derived from other parts of the class file. It
makes no sense to ask the user to construct these directly; this is extra work
for the user and increases the chance of error.  The API will automatically
generate entities that are tightly coupled to other entities based on the
fields, methods, and instructions added to the class file.

- _Lean into the language_ — In 2002, the visitor approach used by ASM seemed
clever, and was surely more pleasant to use than what came before. However, the
Java programming language has improved tremendously since then — with the
introduction of lambdas, records, sealed classes, and pattern matching — and the
Java Platform now has a standard API for describing class-file constants
([`java.lang.constant`](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/api/java.base/java/lang/constant/package-summary.html)). We can use these features to design an API that is more flexible
and pleasant to use, less verbose, and less error-prone.

### Elements, builders, and transforms

The Class-File API resides in the [`java.lang.classfile`][javadoc] package and subpackages. 
It defines three main abstractions:

  - An _element_ is an immutable description of some part of a class file; it
may be an instruction, attribute, field, method, or an entire class file.  Some
elements, such as methods, are _compound elements_; in addition to being
elements they also contain elements of their own, and can be dealt with
whole or else further decomposed.

  - Each kind of compound element has a corresponding _builder_ which has
specific building methods (e.g., `ClassBuilder::withMethod`) and is also a
of the appropriate element type.

  - Finally, a _transform_ represents a function that takes an element and a
builder and mediates how, if at all, that element is transformed into other

We introduce the API by showing how it can be used to parse class files,
generate class files, and combine parsing and generation into transformation.

[javadoc]: https://cr.openjdk.org/~asotona/JDK-8308753-preview/api/java.base/java/lang/classfile/package-summary.html

### This is [preview API](https://openjdk.org/jeps/12), disabled by default

To try the examples below in JDK 23 you must enable preview features as follows:

- Compile the program with `javac --release 23 --enable-preview Main.java` and run it with `java --enable-preview Main`; or,

- When using the [source code launcher](https://openjdk.org/jeps/330), run the program with `java --source 23 --enable-preview Main.java`

### Parsing class files with patterns

ASM's streaming view of class files is visitor-based.  Visitors are bulky and
inflexible; the visitor pattern is often characterized as a library workaround
for the lack of pattern matching in a language.  Now that the Java language has
pattern matching we can express things more directly and concisely.  For
example, if we want to traverse a `Code` attribute and collect dependencies for
a class dependency graph then we can simply iterate through the instructions and
match on the ones we find interesting.  A `CodeModel` describes a `Code`
attribute; we can iterate over its `CodeElement`s and handle those that include
symbolic references to other types:

CodeModel code = ...
Set<ClassDesc> deps = new HashSet<>();
for (CodeElement e : code) {
    switch (e) {
        case FieldInstruction f  -> deps.add(f.owner());
        case InvokeInstruction i -> deps.add(i.owner());
        ... and so on for instanceof, cast, etc ...

### Generating class files with builders

Suppose we wish to generate the following method in a class file:

void fooBar(boolean z, int x) {
    if (z)

With ASM we could generate the method as follows:

ClassWriter classWriter = ...;
MethodVisitor mv = classWriter.visitMethod(0, "fooBar", "(ZI)V", null, null);
mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 1);
Label label1 = new Label();
mv.visitJumpInsn(IFEQ, label1);
mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2);
mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "Foo", "foo", "(I)V", false);
Label label2 = new Label();
mv.visitJumpInsn(GOTO, label2);
mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
mv.visitVarInsn(ILOAD, 2);
mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "Foo", "bar", "(I)V", false);

The `MethodVisitor` in ASM doubles as both a visitor and a builder.  Clients can
create a `ClassWriter` directly and then can ask the `ClassWriter` for a
`MethodVisitor`.  The Class-File API inverts this idiom: Instead of the client
creating a builder with a constructor or factory, the client provides a lambda
which accepts a builder:

ClassBuilder classBuilder = ...;
classBuilder.withMethod("fooBar", MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_void, CD_boolean, CD_int), flags,
                        methodBuilder -> methodBuilder.withCode(codeBuilder -> {
    Label label1 = codeBuilder.newLabel();
    Label label2 = codeBuilder.newLabel();
        .invokevirtual(ClassDesc.of("Foo"), "foo", MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_void, CD_int))
        .invokevirtual(ClassDesc.of("Foo"), "bar", MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_void, CD_int))

This is more specific and transparent — the builder has lots of convenience
methods such as `aload(n)` — but not yet any more concise or higher-level.  Yet
there is already a powerful hidden benefit: By capturing the sequence of
operations in a lambda we get the possibility of _replay_, which enables the
library to do work that previously the client had to do.  For example, branch
offsets can be either short or long.  If clients generate instructions
imperatively then they have to compute the size of each branch's offset when
generating the branch, which is complex and error prone.  But if the client
provides a lambda that takes a builder then the library can optimistically try
to generate the method with short offsets and, if that fails, discard the
generated state and re-invoke the lambda with different code generation

Decoupling builders from visitation also lets us provide higher-level
conveniences to manage block scoping and local-variable index calculation, and
allows us to eliminate manual label management and branching:

CodeBuilder classBuilder = ...;
classBuilder.withMethod("fooBar", MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_void, CD_boolean, CD_int), flags,
                        methodBuilder -> methodBuilder.withCode(codeBuilder -> {
                   b1 -> b1.aload(codeBuilder.receiverSlot())
                           .invokevirtual(ClassDesc.of("Foo"), "foo",
                                          MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_void, CD_int)),
                   b2 -> b2.aload(codeBuilder.receiverSlot())
                           .invokevirtual(ClassDesc.of("Foo"), "bar",
                                          MethodTypeDesc.of(CD_void, CD_int))

Because block scoping is managed by the Class-File API, we did not have to
generate labels or branch instructions — they are inserted for us.  Similarly,
the Class-File API can optionally manage block-scoped allocation of local
variables, freeing clients of the bookkeeping of local-variable slots as well.

### Transforming class files

The parsing and generation methods in the Class-File API line up so that
transformation is seamless.  The parsing example above traversed a sequence of
`CodeElement`s, letting the client match against the individual elements.  The
builder accepts `CodeElement`s so that typical transformation idioms fall out

Suppose we want to process a class file and keep everything unchanged except for
removing methods whose names start with `"debug"`.  We would get a `ClassModel`,
create a `ClassBuilder`, iterate the elements of the original `ClassModel`, and
pass all of them through to the builder except for the methods we want to drop:

ClassFile cf = ClassFile.of();
ClassModel classModel = cf.parse(bytes);
byte[] newBytes = cf.build(classModel.thisClass().asSymbol(),
        classBuilder -> {
            for (ClassElement ce : classModel) {
                if (!(ce instanceof MethodModel mm
                        && mm.methodName().stringValue().startsWith("debug"))) {

Transforming method bodies is slightly more complicated since we have to explode
classes into their parts (fields, methods, and attributes), select the method
elements, explode the method elements into their parts (including the code
attribute), and then explode the code attribute into its elements (i.e.,
instructions). The following transformation swaps invocations of methods on
class `Foo` to invocations of methods on class `Bar`:

ClassFile cf = ClassFile.of();
ClassModel classModel = cf.parse(bytes);
byte[] newBytes = cf.build(classModel.thisClass().asSymbol(),
        classBuilder -> {
            for (ClassElement ce : classModel) {
                if (ce instanceof MethodModel mm) {
                    classBuilder.withMethod(mm.methodName(), mm.methodType(),
                            mm.flags().flagsMask(), methodBuilder -> {
                                for (MethodElement me : mm) {
                                    if (me instanceof CodeModel codeModel) {
                                        methodBuilder.withCode(codeBuilder -> {
                                            for (CodeElement e : codeModel) {
                                                switch (e) {
                                                    case InvokeInstruction i
                                                            when i.owner().asInternalName().equals("Foo")) ->
                                                                                      i.name(), i.type());
                                                        default -> codeBuilder.with(e);

Navigating the class-file tree by exploding entities into elements and examining
each element involves some boilerplate which is repeated at multiple levels.
This idiom is common to all traversals, so it is something the library should
help with.  The common pattern of taking a class-file entity, obtaining a
corresponding builder, examining each element of the entity and possibly
replacing it with other elements can be expressed by _transforms_, which are
applied by _transformation methods_.

A transform accepts a builder and an element.  It either replaces the element
with other elements, drops the element, or passes the element through to the
builder.  Transforms are functional interfaces, so transformation logic can be
captured in lambdas.

A transformation method copies the relevant metadata (names, flags, etc.) from a
composite element to a builder and then processes the composite's elements by
applying a transform, handling the repetitive exploding and iteration.

Using transformation we can rewrite the previous example as:

ClassFile cf = ClassFile.of();
ClassModel classModel = cf.parse(bytes);
byte[] newBytes = cf.transform(classModel, (classBuilder, ce) -> {
    if (ce instanceof MethodModel mm) {
        classBuilder.transformMethod(mm, (methodBuilder, me)-> {
            if (me instanceof CodeModel cm) {
                methodBuilder.transformCode(cm, (codeBuilder, e) -> {
                    switch (e) {
                        case InvokeInstruction i
                                when i.owner().asInternalName().equals("Foo") ->
                            codeBuilder.invoke(i.opcode(), ClassDesc.of("Bar"), 
                                                          i.typeSymbol(), i.isInterface());
                            default -> codeBuilder.with(e);

The iteration boilerplate is gone, but the deep nesting of lambdas to access
the instructions is still intimidating. We can simplify this by factoring out
the instruction-specific activity into a `CodeTransform`:

CodeTransform codeTransform = (codeBuilder, e) -> {
    switch (e) {
        case InvokeInstruction i when i.owner().asInternalName().equals("Foo") ->
            codeBuilder.invoke(i.opcode(), ClassDesc.of("Bar"),
                                          i.typeSymbol(), i.isInterface());
        default -> codeBuilder.accept(e);

We can then _lift_ this transform on code elements into a transform on method
elements. When the lifted transform sees a `Code` attribute, it transforms it with
the code transform, passing all other method elements through unchanged:

MethodTransform methodTransform = MethodTransform.transformingCode(codeTransform);

We can do the same again to lift the resulting transform on method elements into
a transform on class elements:

ClassTransform classTransform = ClassTransform.transformingMethods(methodTransform);

Now our example becomes simply:

ClassFile cf = ClassFile.of();
byte[] newBytes = cf.transform(cf.parse(bytes), classTransform);


The Class-File API has a large surface area and must generate classes in
conformance with the Java Virtual Machine Specification, so significant quality
and conformance testing will be required.  Further, to the degree that we
replace uses of ASM in the JDK with uses of the Class-File API, we will compare
the results of using both libraries to detect regressions, and do extensive
performance testing to detect and avoid performance regressions.


An obvious idea is to "just" merge ASM into the JDK and take on
responsibility for its ongoing maintenance, but this is not the
right choice. ASM is an old code base with lots of legacy
baggage. It is difficult to evolve, and the design priorities
that informed its architecture are likely not what we would
choose today. Moreover, the Java language has improved
substantially since ASM was created, so what might have been the
best API idioms in 2002 may not be ideal two decades later.