Failed IR Rules (2) of Methods (2)
1) Method "private static void compiler.c2.irTests.TestVectorConditionalMove.testCMoveFGEforFConst(float[],float[],float[])" - [Failed IR rules: 1]:
* @IR rule 1: "@compiler.lib.ir_framework.IR(phase={DEFAULT}, applyIfCPUFeatureAnd={}, applyIf={}, applyIfCPUFeatureOr={"avx", "true", "asimd", "true"}, applyIfCPUFeature={}, counts={"_#LOAD_VECTOR#_", ">0", "_#VECTOR_MASK_CMP#_", ">0", "_#VECTOR_BLEND#_", ">0", "_#STORE_VECTOR#_", ">0"}, failOn={}, applyIfAnd={}, applyIfOr={}, applyIfNot={})"
> Phase "PrintIdeal":
- NO compilation output found for this phase! Make sure this phase is emitted or remove it from the list of compile phases in the @IR rule to match on.
2) Method "private static void compiler.c2.irTests.TestVectorConditionalMove.testCMoveVFLTSwap(float[],float[],float[])" - [Failed IR rules: 1]:
* @IR rule 1: "@compiler.lib.ir_framework.IR(phase={DEFAULT}, applyIfCPUFeatureAnd={}, applyIf={}, applyIfCPUFeatureOr={"avx", "true", "asimd", "true"}, applyIfCPUFeature={}, counts={"_#LOAD_VECTOR#_", ">0", "_#VECTOR_MASK_CMP#_", ">0", "_#VECTOR_BLEND#_", ">0", "_#STORE_VECTOR#_", ">0"}, failOn={}, applyIfAnd={}, applyIfOr={}, applyIfNot={})"
> Phase "PrintIdeal":
- counts: Graph contains wrong number of nodes:
* Constraint 1: "(\d+(\s){2}(LoadVector.*)+(\s){2}===.*)"
- Failed comparison: [found] 0 > 0 [given]
- No nodes matched!
* Constraint 2: "(\d+(\s){2}(VectorMaskCmp.*)+(\s){2}===.*)"
- Failed comparison: [found] 0 > 0 [given]
- No nodes matched!
* Constraint 3: "(\d+(\s){2}(VectorBlend.*)+(\s){2}===.*)"
- Failed comparison: [found] 0 > 0 [given]
- No nodes matched!
* Constraint 4: "(\d+(\s){2}(StoreVector.*)+(\s){2}===.*)"
- Failed comparison: [found] 0 > 0 [given]
- No nodes matched!