JDK-8308842 :
JDK-8308899 :
JDK-8312491 :
Summary ------- Provide a standard API for parsing, generating, and transforming Java class files. This is a [preview API](https://openjdk.org/jeps/12). Problem ------- Class-file generation, parsing, and instrumentation is ubiquitous in the Java ecosystem. Many tools and libraries process class files, and frameworks often perform on-the-fly bytecode instrumentation, transformation, and generation. The Java ecosystem has many different libraries for class-file parsing and generation, each with different design goals, strengths and weaknesses. In the last decade the JDK has made extensive use of the [ASM] library in its implementation, for tasks such as lambda proxy generation. However, there are a number of reasons why it makes sense for the JDK to include its own authoritative class-file library. - _JVM evolution_ — The JVM and the class-file format are evolving much faster now than in the early years of the platform. While some evolutions are simple, for example adding new attributes such as `NestMembers`, others are more complex. Project Valhalla, for example, will bring new bytecodes and field descriptors. At some point it may become prohibitively expensive to evolve existing libraries to support these new features. A JDK class-file library can evolve with the class-file format, reducing the friction of implementing and testing new class-file features. - _JDK consolidation_ — The JDK itself is a significant dealer in class files. For historical reasons it contains four distinct internal class-file libraries: - A [custom library][cst.javac.jvm] in the `jdk.compiler` module, used by the `javac` compiler and the `javadoc` tool; - Another [custom library][cst.classfile] in the `jdk.jdeps` module, used by the `javap`, `jdeps`, `jdeprscan`, and `jlink` tools; - A fork of [BCEL] in the `java.xml` module, used in a fork of [Xalan]; and - A fork of [ASM] in the `java.base` module, used in the implementation of lambdas, method handles, modules, dynamic proxies, JFR, and the `jar`, `jimage`, `jlink`, and `jshell` tools. In the case of ASM, using it to implement fundamental elements of the platform imposes a delay on the use of new class-file features. The ASM version for JDK _N_ cannot finalize until JDK _N_ finalizes, hence JDK tools such as `jlink` cannot process class-file features that are new in JDK _N_, hence `javac` cannot generate class-file features that are new in JDK _N_ until JDK _N+1_. JDK developers need a class-file library that is kept up-to-date with the JVM. [cst.javac.jvm]: https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/tree/master/src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/jvm [cst.classfile]: https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/tree/master/src/jdk.jdeps/share/classes/com/sun/tools/classfile [BCEL]: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-bcel/ [Xalan]: https://xalan.apache.org/index.html - _Version skew between frameworks and the running JDK_ — Applications which use frameworks that process class files generally bundle a class-file library. But new class-file features can appear in any JDK release, and the rate of JDK releases accelerated substantially after JDK 9, so applications are more frequently encountering class files that are newer than the library that they bundle. This results in runtime errors or, worse, frameworks trying to parse class files from the future and engaging in leaps of faith that nothing too serious has changed. Application and framework developers need a class-file library that they can count on to be up-to-date with the running JDK. - _Language improvements_ — An obvious idea is to "just" merge ASM into the JDK and take on responsibility for its ongoing maintenance, but this is not the right choice. ASM is an old code base with a lot of legacy baggage, it is difficult to evolve, and the design priorities that informed its architecture are likely not what we would choose today. Moreover, the Java language has improved substantially since ASM was created, so what might have been the best API idioms in 2002 may not be ideal two decades later. Solution -------- Class-file API as an integral part of `java.base` module aims to address the issues. We have adopted the following design goals and principles for the API. - _Class-file entities are represented by immutable objects_ — All class-file entities, such as methods, fields, attributes, instructions, annotations, etc., are represented by immutable objects. This facilitates reliable sharing when a class file is being transformed. - _Tree-structured representation_ — A class file has a tree structure. A class has some metadata (name, supertype, etc.), and a variable number of fields, methods, and attributes. Fields and methods themselves have metadata and further contain attributes, including the `Code` attribute. The `Code` attribute further contains instructions, exception handlers, and so forth. The API for navigating and building class files should reflect this structure. - _User-driven navigation_ — The path we take through the class-file tree is driven by user choices. If the user cares only about annotations on fields then we should only have to parse as far down as the annotation attributes inside the `field_info` structure; we should not have to look into any of the class attributes or the bodies of methods, or at other attributes of the field. Users should be able to deal with compound entities, such as methods, either as single units or broken into streams of their constituent parts, as desired. - _Laziness_ — User-driven navigation enables significant efficiencies, such as not parsing any more of the class file than is required to satisfy the user's needs. If the user is not going to dive into the contents of a method then we need not parse any more of the `method_info` structure than is needed to figure out where the next class-file element starts. We can lazily inflate, and cache, the full representation when the user asks for it. - _Unified streaming and materialized views_ — Like ASM, we want to support both a streaming and a materialized view of a class file. The streaming view is suitable for the majority of use cases, while the materialized view is more general since it allows random access. We can provide a materialized view far less expensively than ASM through laziness, as enabled by immutability. We can, further, align the streaming and materialized views so that they use a common vocabulary and can be used in coordination, as is convenient for each use case. - _Emergent transformation_ — If the class-file reading and writing APIs are sufficiently aligned then transformation can be an emergent property that does not require its own special mode or significant new API surface. (ASM achieves this by using a common visitor structure for readers and writers.) If classes, methods, fields, and code bodies are readable and writable as streams of elements then a transformation can be viewed as a flat-map operation on this stream, defined by lambdas. - _Detail hiding_ — Many parts of a class file (constant pool, bootstrap method table, stack maps, etc.) are derived from other parts of the class file. It makes no sense to ask the user to construct these directly; this is extra work for the user and increases the chance of error. The library will automatically generate entities that are tightly coupled to other entities based on the methods, fields, and instructions added to the class file. - _Lean into the language_ — In 2002, the visitor approach used by ASM seemed clever, and was surely more pleasant to use than what came before. However, the Java programming language has improved tremendously since then — with the introduction of lambdas, records, sealed classes, and pattern matching — and the platform now has a standard API for describing class-file constants (`java.lang.constant`). We can use these to design an API that is more flexible and pleasant to use, less verbose, and less error-prone. Specification ------------- The javadoc for the packages with the implementation as of November 20, 2023 is at https://cr.openjdk.org/~asotona/JDK-8308753-preview/api/java.base/java/lang/classfile/package-summary.html More details can be found in the JEP issue https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8280389 The implementation of Class-file API exports the following packages, defined in module `java.base`. ### Package `java.lang.classfile` **Interfaces** `AccessFlags` : Models the access flags for a class, method, or field. `Annotation` : Models an annotation on a declaration. `AnnotationElement` : Models a key-value pair of an annotation. `AnnotationValue` : Models the value of a key-value pair of an annotation. `AnnotationValue.OfAnnotation` : Models an annotation-valued element `AnnotationValue.OfArray` : Models an array-valued element `AnnotationValue.OfBoolean` : Models a constant-valued element `AnnotationValue.OfByte` : Models a constant-valued element `AnnotationValue.OfCharacter` : Models a constant-valued element `AnnotationValue.OfClass` : Models a class-valued element `AnnotationValue.OfConstant` : Models a constant-valued element `AnnotationValue.OfDouble` : Models a constant-valued element `AnnotationValue.OfEnum` : Models an enum-valued element `AnnotationValue.OfFloat` : Models a constant-valued element `AnnotationValue.OfInteger` : Models a constant-valued element `AnnotationValue.OfLong` : Models a constant-valued element `AnnotationValue.OfShort` : Models a constant-valued element `AnnotationValue.OfString` : Models a constant-valued element `Attribute<A extends Attribute<A>>` : Models a classfile attribute 4.7. `AttributedElement` : A ClassFileElement describing an entity that has attributes, such as a class, field, method, code attribute, or record component. `AttributeMapper<A>` : Bidirectional mapper between the classfile representation of an attribute and how that attribute is modeled in the API. `BootstrapMethodEntry` : Models an entry in the bootstrap method table. `BufWriter` : Supports writing portions of a classfile to a growable buffer. `ClassBuilder` : A builder for classfiles. `ClassElement` : A ClassFileElement that can appear when traversing the elements of a ClassModel or be presented to a ClassBuilder. `ClassFile` : Represents a context for parsing, transforming, and generating classfiles. `ClassFile.AttributeMapperOption` : Option describing attribute mappers for custom attributes. `ClassFile.ClassHierarchyResolverOption` : Option describing the class hierarchy resolver to use when generating stack maps. `ClassFile.Option` : An option that affects the writing of classfiles. `ClassFileBuilder<E extends ClassFileElement,B extends ClassFileBuilder<E,B>>` : A builder for a classfile or portion of a classfile. `ClassFileElement` : Immutable model for a portion of (or the entirety of) a classfile. `ClassFileTransform<C extends ClassFileTransform<C,E,B>,E extends ClassFileElement,B extends ClassFileBuilder<E,B>>` : A transformation on streams of elements. `ClassFileTransform.ResolvedTransform<E extends ClassFileElement>` : The result of binding a transform to a builder. `ClassFileVersion` : Models the classfile version information for a class. `ClassHierarchyResolver` : Provides class hierarchy information for generating correct stack maps during code building. `ClassModel` : Models a classfile. `ClassReader` : Supports reading from a classfile. `ClassSignature` : Models the generic signature of a class file, as defined by 4.7.9. `ClassTransform` : A transformation on streams of ClassElement. `CodeBuilder` : A builder for code attributes (method bodies). `CodeBuilder.BlockCodeBuilder` : A builder for blocks of code. `CodeBuilder.CatchBuilder` : A builder to add catch blocks. `CodeElement` : A ClassFileElement that can appear when traversing the elements of a CodeModel or be presented to a CodeBuilder. `CodeModel` : Models the body of a method (the Code attribute). `CodeTransform` : A transformation on streams of CodeElement. `CompoundElement<E extends ClassFileElement>` : A ClassFileElement that has complex structure defined in terms of other classfile elements, such as a method, field, method body, or entire class. `FieldBuilder` : A builder for fields. `FieldElement` : A ClassFileElement that can appear when traversing the elements of a FieldModel or be presented to a FieldBuilder. `FieldModel` : Models a field. `FieldTransform` : A transformation on streams of FieldElement. `Instruction` : Models an executable instruction in a method body. `Interfaces` : Models the interfaces of a class. `Label` : A marker for a position within the instructions of a method body. `MethodBuilder` : A builder for methods. `MethodElement` : A ClassFileElement that can appear when traversing the elements of a MethodModel or be presented to a MethodBuilder. `MethodModel` : Models a method. `MethodSignature` : Models the generic signature of a method, as defined by 4.7.9. `MethodTransform` : A transformation on streams of MethodElement. `PseudoInstruction` : Models metadata about a CodeAttribute, such as entries in the exception table, line number table, local variable table, or the mapping between instructions and labels. `Signature` : Models generic Java type signatures, as defined in `Signature.ArrayTypeSig` : Models the signature of an array type. `Signature.BaseTypeSig` : Models the signature of a primitive type or void `Signature.ClassTypeSig` : Models the signature of a possibly-parameterized class or interface type. `Signature.RefTypeSig` : Models the signature of a reference type, which may be a class, interface, type variable, or array type. `Signature.ThrowableSig` : Models a signature for a throwable type. `Signature.TypeArg` : Models the type argument. `Signature.TypeParam` : Models a signature for a type parameter of a generic class or method. `Signature.TypeVarSig` : Models the signature of a type variable. `Superclass` : Models the superclass of a class. `TypeAnnotation` : Models an annotation on a type use. `TypeAnnotation.CatchTarget` : Indicates that an annotation appears on the i'th type in an exception parameter declaration. `TypeAnnotation.EmptyTarget` : Indicates that an annotation appears on either the type in a field declaration, the return type of a method, the type of a newly constructed object, or the receiver type of a method or constructor. `TypeAnnotation.FormalParameterTarget` : Indicates that an annotation appears on the type in a formal parameter declaration of a method, constructor, or lambda expression. `TypeAnnotation.LocalVarTarget` : Indicates that an annotation appears on the type in a local variable declaration, including a variable declared as a resource in a try-with-resources statement. `TypeAnnotation.LocalVarTargetInfo` : Indicates a range of code array offsets within which a local variable has a value, and the index into the local variable array of the current frame at which that local variable can be found. `TypeAnnotation.OffsetTarget` : Indicates that an annotation appears on either the type in an instanceof expression or a new expression, or the type before the :: in a method reference expression. `TypeAnnotation.SupertypeTarget` : Indicates that an annotation appears on a type in the extends or implements clause of a class or interface declaration. `TypeAnnotation.TargetInfo` : Specifies which type in a declaration or expression is being annotated. `TypeAnnotation.ThrowsTarget` : Indicates that an annotation appears on the i'th type in the throws clause of a method or constructor declaration. `TypeAnnotation.TypeArgumentTarget` : Indicates that an annotation appears either on the i'th type in a cast expression, or on the i'th type argument in the explicit type argument list for any of the following: a new expression, an explicit constructor invocation statement, a method invocation expression, or a method reference expression. `TypeAnnotation.TypeParameterBoundTarget` : Indicates that an annotation appears on the i'th bound of the j'th type parameter declaration of a generic class, interface, method, or constructor. `TypeAnnotation.TypeParameterTarget` : Indicates that an annotation appears on the declaration of the i'th type parameter of a generic class, generic interface, generic method, or generic constructor. `TypeAnnotation.TypePathComponent` : JVMS: Wherever a type is used in a declaration or expression, the type_path structure identifies which part of the type is annotated. `WritableElement<T>` : A classfile element that can encode itself as a stream of bytes in the encoding expected by the classfile format. **Classes** `Attributes` : Attribute mappers for standard classfile attributes. `CustomAttribute<T extends CustomAttribute<T>>` : Models a non-standard attribute of a classfile. **Enum Classes** `ClassFile.ConstantPoolSharingOption` : Option describing whether to preserve the original constant pool when transforming a classfile. `ClassFile.DeadCodeOption` : Option describing whether or not to patch out unreachable code. `ClassFile.DeadLabelsOption` : Option describing whether or not to filter unresolved labels. `ClassFile.DebugElementsOption` : Option describing whether to process or discard debug elements. `ClassFile.LineNumbersOption` : Option describing whether to process or discard line numbers. `ClassFile.ShortJumpsOption` : Option describing whether or not to automatically rewrite short jumps to long when necessary. `ClassFile.StackMapsOption` : Option describing whether or not to generate stackmaps. `ClassFile.UnknownAttributesOption` : Option describing whether to process or discard unrecognized attributes. `Opcode` : Describes the opcodes of the JVM instruction set, as well as a number of pseudo-instructions that may be encountered when traversing the instructions of a method. `Opcode.Kind` : Kinds of opcodes. `Signature.TypeArg.WildcardIndicator` : Indicator for whether a wildcard has default bound, no bound, an upper bound, or a lower bound `TypeAnnotation.TargetType` : The kind of target on which the annotation appears. `TypeAnnotation.TypePathComponent.Kind` : `TypeKind` : Describes the types that can be part of a field or method descriptor. **Record Class** `ClassHierarchyResolver.ClassHierarchyInfo` : Information about a resolved class. ### Package `java.lang.classfile.attribute` **Interfaces** `AnnotationDefaultAttribute` : Models the AnnotationDefault attribute 4.7.22, which can appear on methods of annotation types, and records the default value 9.6.2 for the element corresponding to this method. `BootstrapMethodsAttribute` : Models the BootstrapMethods attribute 4.7.23, which serves as an extension to the constant pool of a classfile. `CharacterRangeInfo` : Models a single character range in the CharacterRangeTableAttribute. `CharacterRangeTableAttribute` : The CharacterRangeTable attribute is an optional variable-length attribute in the attributes table of a Code attribute. `CodeAttribute` : Models the Code attribute 4.7.3, appears on non-native, non-abstract methods and contains the bytecode of the method body. `CompilationIDAttribute` : Models the CompilationID attribute (@@@ need reference), which can appear on classes and records the compilation time of the class. `ConstantValueAttribute` : Models the ConstantValue attribute 4.7.2, which can appear on fields and indicates that the field's value is a constant. `DeprecatedAttribute` : Models the Deprecated attribute 4.7.15, which can appear on classes, methods, and fields. `EnclosingMethodAttribute` : Models the EnclosingMethod attribute 4.7.7, which can appear on classes, and indicates that the class is a local or anonymous class. `ExceptionsAttribute` : Models the Exceptions attribute 4.7.5, which can appear on methods, and records the exceptions declared to be thrown by this method. `InnerClassesAttribute` : Models the InnerClasses attribute 4.7.6, which can appear on classes, and records which classes referenced by this classfile are inner classes. `InnerClassInfo` : Models a single inner class in the InnerClassesAttribute. `LineNumberInfo` : Models a single line number in the LineNumberTableAttribute. `LineNumberTableAttribute` : Models the LineNumberTable attribute 4.7.12, which can appear on a Code attribute, and records the mapping between indexes into the code table and line numbers in the source file. `LocalVariableInfo` : Models a single local variable in the LocalVariableTableAttribute. `LocalVariableTableAttribute` : Models the LocalVariableTable attribute 4.7.13, which can appear on a Code attribute, and records debug information about local variables. `LocalVariableTypeInfo` : Models a single local variable in the LocalVariableTypeTableAttribute. `LocalVariableTypeTableAttribute` : Models the LocalVariableTypeTable attribute 4.7.14, which can appear on a Code attribute, and records debug information about local variables. `MethodParameterInfo` : Models a single method parameter in the MethodParametersAttribute. `MethodParametersAttribute` : Models the MethodParameters attribute 4.7.24, which can appear on methods, and records optional information about the method's parameters. `ModuleAttribute` : Models the Module attribute 4.7.25, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors. `ModuleAttribute.ModuleAttributeBuilder` : `ModuleExportInfo` : Models a single "exports" declaration in the ModuleAttribute. `ModuleHashesAttribute` : Models the ModuleHashes attribute, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors. `ModuleHashInfo` : Models hash information for a single module in the ModuleHashesAttribute. `ModuleMainClassAttribute` : Models the ModuleMainClass attribute 4.7.27, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors. `ModuleOpenInfo` : Models a single "opens" declaration in the ModuleAttribute. `ModulePackagesAttribute` : Models the ModulePackages attribute 4.7.26, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors. `ModuleProvideInfo` : Models a single "provides" declaration in the ModuleAttribute. `ModuleRequireInfo` : Models a single "requires" declaration in the ModuleAttribute. `ModuleResolutionAttribute` : Models the ModuleResolution attribute, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors. `ModuleTargetAttribute` : Models the ModuleTarget attribute, which can appear on classes that represent module descriptors. `NestHostAttribute` : Models the NestHost attribute 4.7.28, which can appear on classes to indicate that this class is a member of a nest. `NestMembersAttribute` : Models the NestMembers attribute 4.7.29, which can appear on classes to indicate that this class is the host of a nest. `PermittedSubclassesAttribute` : Models the PermittedSubclasses attribute 4.7.31, which can appear on classes to indicate which classes may extend this class. `RecordAttribute` : Models the Record attribute 4.7.30, which can appear on classes to indicate that this class is a record class. `RecordComponentInfo` : Models a single record component in the RecordAttribute. `RuntimeInvisibleAnnotationsAttribute` : Models the RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations attribute 4.7.17, which can appear on classes, methods, and fields. `RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute` : Models the RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations attribute 4.7.19, which can appear on methods. `RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotationsAttribute` : Models the RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations attribute 4.7.21, which can appear on classes, methods, fields, and code attributes. `RuntimeVisibleAnnotationsAttribute` : Models the RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute 4.7.16, which can appear on classes, methods, and fields. `RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute` : Models the RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations attribute 4.7.18, which can appear on methods. `RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotationsAttribute` : Models the RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations attribute 4.7.20, which can appear on classes, methods, fields, and code attributes. `SignatureAttribute` : Models the Signature attribute 4.7.9, which can appear on classes, methods, or fields. `SourceDebugExtensionAttribute` : SourceDebugExtensionAttribute. `SourceFileAttribute` : Models the SourceFile attribute 4.7.10, which can appear on classes. `SourceIDAttribute` : Models the SourceFile attribute (@@@ reference needed), which can appear on classes. `StackMapFrameInfo` : Models stack map frame of StackMapTable attribute 4.7.4. `StackMapFrameInfo.ObjectVerificationTypeInfo` : A stack value for an object type. `StackMapFrameInfo.UninitializedVerificationTypeInfo` : An uninitialized stack value. `StackMapFrameInfo.VerificationTypeInfo` : The type of a stack value. `StackMapTableAttribute` : Models the StackMapTable attribute 4.7.4, which can appear on a Code attribute. `SyntheticAttribute` : Models the Synthetic attribute 4.7.8, which can appear on classes, methods, and fields. `UnknownAttribute` : Models an unknown attribute on a class, method, or field. **Enum Class** `StackMapFrameInfo.SimpleVerificationTypeInfo` : A simple stack value. ### Package `java.lang.classfile.components` **Interfaces** `ClassPrinter.LeafNode` : A leaf node holding single printable value. `ClassPrinter.ListNode` : A tree node holding List of nested nodes. `ClassPrinter.MapNode` : A tree node holding Map of nested nodes. `ClassPrinter.Node` : Named, traversable, and printable node parent. `ClassRemapper` : ClassRemapper is a ClassTransform, FieldTransform, MethodTransform and CodeTransform deeply re-mapping all class references in any form, according to given map or map function. `CodeLocalsShifter` : CodeLocalsShifter is a CodeTransform shifting locals to newly allocated positions to avoid conflicts during code injection. `CodeRelabeler` : A code relabeler is a CodeTransform replacing all occurrences of Label in the transformed code with new instances. `CodeStackTracker` : CodeStackTracker is a CodeTransform tracking stack content and calculating max stack size. **Class** `ClassPrinter` : A printer of classfiles and its elements. **Enum Class** `ClassPrinter.Verbosity` : Level of detail to print or export. ### Package `java.lang.classfile.constantpool` **Interfaces** `AnnotationConstantValueEntry` : A constant pool entry that may be used as an annotation constant, which includes the four kinds of primitive constants, and UTF8 constants. `ClassEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_Class_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `ConstantDynamicEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_Dynamic_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `ConstantPool` : Provides read access to the constant pool and bootstrap method table of a classfile. `ConstantPoolBuilder` : Builder for the constant pool of a classfile. `ConstantValueEntry` : Models a constant pool entry that can be used as the constant in a ConstantValue attribute; this includes the four primitive constant types and String constants. `DoubleEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_Double_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `DynamicConstantPoolEntry` : Models a dynamic constant pool entry, which is either ConstantDynamicEntry or InvokeDynamicEntry. `FieldRefEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_Fieldref_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `FloatEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_Float_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `IntegerEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_Integer_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `InterfaceMethodRefEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodRef_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `InvokeDynamicEntry` : Models a constant pool entry for a dynamic call site. `LoadableConstantEntry` : Marker interface for constant pool entries suitable for loading via the LDC instructions. `LongEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_Long_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `MemberRefEntry` : Models a member reference constant in the constant pool of a classfile, which includes references to fields, methods, and interface methods. `MethodHandleEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_MethodHandle_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `MethodRefEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_MethodRef_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `MethodTypeEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_MethodType_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `ModuleEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_Module_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `NameAndTypeEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_NameAndType_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `PackageEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_Package_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `PoolEntry` : Models an entry in the constant pool of a classfile. `StringEntry` : Models a CONSTANT_String_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. `Utf8Entry` : Models a CONSTANT_UTF8_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile. ### Package `java.lang.classfile.instruction` **Interfaces** `ArrayLoadInstruction` : Models an array load instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `ArrayStoreInstruction` : Models an array store instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `BranchInstruction` : Models a branching instruction (conditional or unconditional) in the code array of a Code attribute. `CharacterRange` : A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in the CharacterRangeTableAttribute. `ConstantInstruction` : Models a constant-load instruction in the code array of a Code attribute, including "intrinsic constant" instructions (e.g., iconst_0), "argument constant" instructions (e.g., bipush), and "load constant" instructions (e.g., LDC). `ConstantInstruction.ArgumentConstantInstruction` : Models an "argument constant" instruction (e.g., bipush). `ConstantInstruction.IntrinsicConstantInstruction` : Models an "intrinsic constant" instruction (e.g., iconst_0). `ConstantInstruction.LoadConstantInstruction` : Models a "load constant" instruction (e.g., ldc). `ConvertInstruction` : Models a primitive conversion instruction in the code array of a Code attribute, such as i2l. `DiscontinuedInstruction` : Models instruction discontinued from the code array of a Code attribute. `DiscontinuedInstruction.JsrInstruction` : Models JSR and JSR_W instructions discontinued from the code array of a Code attribute since class file version 51.0. `DiscontinuedInstruction.RetInstruction` : Models RET and RET_W instructions discontinued from the code array of a Code attribute since class file version 51.0. `ExceptionCatch` : A pseudo-instruction modeling an entry in the exception table of a code attribute. `FieldInstruction` : Models a field access instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `IncrementInstruction` : Models a local variable increment instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `InvokeDynamicInstruction` : Models an invokedynamic instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `InvokeInstruction` : Models a method invocation instruction in the code array of a Code attribute, other than invokedynamic. `LabelTarget` : A pseudo-instruction which indicates that the specified label corresponds to the current position in the Code attribute. `LineNumber` : A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in the LineNumberTableAttribute. `LoadInstruction` : Models a local variable load instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `LocalVariable` : A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in the LocalVariableTableAttribute. `LocalVariableType` : A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in the LocalVariableTypeTableAttribute. `LookupSwitchInstruction` : Models a lookupswitch instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `MonitorInstruction` : Models a monitorenter or monitorexit instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `NewMultiArrayInstruction` : Models a multianewarray invocation instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `NewObjectInstruction` : Models a new instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `NewPrimitiveArrayInstruction` : Models a newarray invocation instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `NewReferenceArrayInstruction` : Models a anewarray invocation instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `NopInstruction` : Models a nop invocation instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `OperatorInstruction` : Models an arithmetic operator instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `ReturnInstruction` : Models a return-from-method instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `StackInstruction` : Models a stack manipulation instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `StoreInstruction` : Models a local variable store instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `SwitchCase` : Models a single case in a lookupswitch or tableswitch instruction. `TableSwitchInstruction` : Models a tableswitch instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `ThrowInstruction` : Models an athrow instruction in the code array of a Code attribute. `TypeCheckInstruction` : Models an instanceof or checkcast instruction in the code array of a Code attribute.