JDK-8301034 : JEP 452: Key Encapsulation Mechanism API
  • Type: JEP
  • Component: security-libs
  • Sub-Component: javax.crypto
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Delivered
  • Fix Versions: 21
  • Submitted: 2023-01-25
  • Updated: 2024-04-23
  • Resolved: 2023-09-14
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Introduce an API for key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs), an encryption
technique for securing symmetric keys using public key cryptography.


- Enable applications to use KEM algorithms such as the RSA Key Encapsulation
  Mechanism (RSA-KEM), the Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES),
  and candidate KEM algorithms for the National Institute of Standards and
  Technology (NIST) Post-Quantum Cryptography standardization process.

- Enable the use of KEMs in higher level protocols such as Transport Level
  Security (TLS) and in cryptographic schemes such as Hybrid Public Key
  Encryption (HPKE, [RFC 9180]).

- Allow security providers to implement KEM algorithms in either Java code or
  native code.

- Include an implementation of the Diffie-Hellman KEM (DHKEM) defined
  in [§4.1 of RFC 9180][DHKEM].

[RFC 9180]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9180
[DHKEM]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9180#name-dh-based-kem-dhkem


- It is not a goal to include key pair generation in the KEM API.  The existing
  [`KeyPairGenerator` API] is sufficient.

- It is not a goal to support the [ISO 18033-2](https://www.iso.org/standard/37971.html)
  defined encryption option for the encapsulate function.

- It is not a goal to support
  [authenticated encapsulation and decapsulation](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9180#name-dh-based-kem-dhkem)
  functions as defined by RFC 9180.

[`KeyPairGenerator` API]: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/20/docs/api/java.base/java/security/KeyPairGenerator.html


[Key encapsulation] is a modern cryptographic technique that secures symmetric
keys using asymmetric or public key cryptography.  The traditional technique for
doing so is to encrypt a randomly generated symmetric key with a public key, but
that requires padding and can be difficult to prove secure.  A key encapsulation
mechanism (KEM) instead uses properties of the public key to derive a related
symmetric key, which requires no padding.

The concept of a KEM was introduced by Crammer and Shoup in §7.1 of [_Design and Analysis of
Practical Public-Key Encryption Schemes Secure against Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack_](https://eprint.iacr.org/2001/108.pdf).
Shoup later proposed it as an ISO standard in §3.1 of [_A Proposal for an ISO Standard for
Public Key Encryption_](https://eprint.iacr.org/2001/112.pdf). It was accepted as ISO 18033-2 and published in May 2006.

KEMs are a building block of [Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE)][RFC 9180].
The [NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) standardization process](https://csrc.nist.gov/News/2022/pqc-candidates-to-be-standardized-and-round-4)
explicitly calls for KEMs and digital signature algorithms to be evaluated as
candidates for the next generation of standard public key cryptography algorithms.
The [Diffie-Hellman key exchange step in TLS 1.3](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8446#section-4.1)
can also be modeled as a KEM.

KEMs will be an important tool for defending against quantum attacks. None of
the existing cryptographic APIs in the Java Platform is capable of representing
KEMs in a natural way (see [below](#Alternatives)). Implementors of third-party
security providers have already [expressed a need for a standard KEM
It is time to add one to the Java Platform.

[Key encapsulation]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_encapsulation_mechanism


A KEM consists of three functions:

- A _key pair generation function_ that returns a key pair containing a public key
  and a private key.

- A _key encapsulation function_, called by the sender, that takes the
  receiver's public key and an encryption option; it returns a secret key _K_
  and a _key encapsulation message_ (called _ciphertext_ in ISO 18033-2). The
  sender sends the key encapsulation message to the receiver.

- A _key decapsulation function_, called by the receiver, that takes the
  receiver's private key and the received key encapsulation message; it returns
  the secret key _K_.

The key pair generation function is covered by the existing [`KeyPairGenerator`
API]. We define a new class, `KEM`, for the encapsulation and decapsulation

package javax.crypto;

public class DecapsulateException extends GeneralSecurityException;

public final class KEM {

    public static KEM getInstance(String alg)
        throws NoSuchAlgorithmException;
    public static KEM getInstance(String alg, Provider p)
        throws NoSuchAlgorithmException;
    public static KEM getInstance(String alg, String p)
        throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException;

    public static final class Encapsulated {
        public Encapsulated(SecretKey key, byte[] encapsulation, byte[] params);
        public SecretKey key();
        public byte[] encapsulation();
        public byte[] params();

    public static final class Encapsulator {
        String providerName();
        int secretSize();           // Size of the shared secret
        int encapsulationSize();    // Size of the key encapsulation message
        Encapsulated encapsulate();
        Encapsulated encapsulate(int from, int to, String algorithm);

    public Encapsulator newEncapsulator(PublicKey pk)
            throws InvalidKeyException;
    public Encapsulator newEncapsulator(PublicKey pk, SecureRandom sr)
            throws InvalidKeyException;
    public Encapsulator newEncapsulator(PublicKey pk, AlgorithmParameterSpec spec,
                                        SecureRandom sr)
            throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, InvalidKeyException;

    public static final class Decapsulator {
        String providerName();
        int secretSize();           // Size of the shared secret
        int encapsulationSize();    // Size of the key encapsulation message
        SecretKey decapsulate(byte[] encapsulation) throws DecapsulateException;
        SecretKey decapsulate(byte[] encapsulation, int from, int to,
                              String algorithm)
                throws DecapsulateException;

    public Decapsulator newDecapsulator(PrivateKey sk)
            throws InvalidKeyException;
    public Decapsulator newDecapsulator(PrivateKey sk, AlgorithmParameterSpec spec)
            throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, InvalidKeyException;


The `getInstance` methods create a new `KEM` object that implements the
specified algorithm.

The sender calls one of the `newEncapsulator` methods. These methods take the
receiver's public key and return an `Encapsulator` object. The sender can then
call one of that object's two `encapsulate` methods to get an `Encapsulated`
object, which contains a `SecretKey` and a key encapsulation message.  The
`encapsulate()` method returns a key containing the full shared secret, with an
algorithm name of `"Generic"`. This key is usually passed to a key derivation
function. The `encapsulate(from, to, algorithm)` method returns a key whose key
material is a sub-array of the shared secret, with the given algorithm name.

The receiver calls one of the `newDecapsulator` methods. These methods take the
receiver's private key and return a `Decapsulator` object. The receiver can then
call one of that object's two `decapsulate` methods, which take the received key
encapsulation message and return the shared secret.  The
`decapsulate(encapsulation)` method returns the full shared secret with a
`"Generic"` algorithm, while the `decapsulate(encapsulation, from, to,
algorithm)` method returns a key with the user-specified key material and

A KEM algorithm can define an [`AlgorithmParameterSpec`] subclass to provide
additional information to the full `newEncapsulator` method. This is especially
useful if the same key can be used to derive shared secrets in different ways.
Instances of an `AlgorithmParameterSpec` subclass should be immutable.  If any
of the information inside an `AlgorithmParameterSpec` object needs to be
transmitted along with the key encapsulation message so that the receiver is
able to create a matching decapsulator then it will be included as a byte array
in the `params` field inside the `Encapsulated` result. In that case, the
security provider should provide an `AlgorithmParameters` implementation using
the same algorithm name as the KEM. The receiver can initiate such an
`AlgorithmParameters` instance with the received `params` byte array and recover
an `AlgorithmParameterSpec` object to be used when it calls the
`newDecapsulator` method.

[`AlgorithmParameterSpec`]: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/20/docs/api/java.base/java/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec.html

Multiple concurrent invocations of the `encapsulate` or `decapsulate` methods of
a particular `Encapsulator` or `Decapsulator` object, respectively, should be
safe. Each invocation of an `encapsulate` method should generate a new shared
secret and encapsulation.

Here is an example using a hypothetical `"ABC"` KEM. Before the key
encapsulation and decapsulation, the receiver generates an `"ABC"` key pair and
publishes the public key.

// Receiver side
KeyPairGenerator g = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("ABC");
KeyPair kp = g.generateKeyPair();

// Sender side
KEM kemS = KEM.getInstance("ABC-KEM");
PublicKey pkR = retrieveKey();
ABCKEMParameterSpec specS = new ABCKEMParameterSpec(...);
KEM.Encapsulator e = kemS.newEncapsulator(pkR, specS, null);
KEM.Encapsulated enc = e.encapsulate();
SecretKey secS = enc.key();

// Receiver side
byte[] em = receiveBytes();
byte[] params = receiveBytes();
KEM kemR = KEM.getInstance("ABC-KEM");
AlgorithmParameters algParams = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance("ABC-KEM");
ABCKEMParameterSpec specR = algParams.getParameterSpec(ABCKEMParameterSpec.class);
KEM.Decapsulator d = kemR.newDecapsulator(kp.getPrivate(), specR);
SecretKey secR = d.decapsulate(em);

// secS and secR will be identical

### KEM configurations

A single KEM algorithm can have multiple configurations. Each configuration can
accept different types of public or private keys, use different methods to
derive the shared secrets, and emit different key encapsulation messages. Each
configuration should map to a specific algorithm that creates a fixed size
shared secret and a fixed size key encapsulation message. The configuration
should be unambiguously determined by three pieces of information:

- The algorithm name passed to a `getInstance` method,
- The type of the key passed to a `newEncapsulator` or `newDecapsulator` method,
- The optional `AlgorithmParameterSpec` object passed to a `newEncapsulator`
or `newDecapsulator` method.

For example, the Kyber family of KEMs could have a single algorithm named
`"Kyber"`, but the implementation could support different configurations based
on key types, e.g., Kyber-512, Kyber-768, and Kyber-1024.

Another example is the RSA-KEM family of KEMs. The algorithm name could simply
be `"RSA-KEM"`, but the implementation could support different configurations
based on different RSA key sizes and different key derivation function (KDF)
settings. The different KDF settings could be conveyed via an
`RSAKEMParameterSpec` object.

In both cases, the configuration can only be determined after one of the
`newEncapsulator` or `newDecapsulator` methods is called.

### Delayed provider selection

The provider chosen for a given KEM algorithm can depend not only upon the name
of the algorithm passed to a `getInstance` method but also upon the key passed
to a `newEncapsulator` or `newDecapsulator` method. The selection of the
provider is thus delayed until one of those methods is called, [just as in other
cryptographic APIs such as `Cipher` and `KeyAgreement`][delayed].

Each call of a `newEncapsulator` or `newDecapsulator` method can select a
different provider. You can discover which provider is selected via the
`providerName()` methods of the `Encapsulator` and `Decapsulator` classes.

[delayed]: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/20/security/pkcs11-reference-guide1.html#GUID-99785B51-50D8-458E-AA2C-755749F1E39E

### The `encapsulationSize()` methods

Some higher-level protocols concatenate key encapsulation messages with other
data directly, without providing any length information. For example,
[Hybrid TLS Key Exchange](https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-tls-hybrid-design-05.html#name-transmitting-public-keys-an)
concatenates two key encapsulation messages into a single `key_exchange` field,
and [RSA-KEM](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5990#appendix-A.2) concatenates
the key encapsulation message with the wrapped keying data. These protocols
assume that the length of the key encapsulation message is fixed and well-known
once the KEM configuration is fixed. We provide the `encapsulationSize()`
methods to retrieve the size of the key encapsulation message in case an
application needs to extract the key encapsulation message from such
concatenated data.

### Shared secrets might not be extractable

All existing KEM implementations return shared secrets in a byte array. However,
a Java security provider might be backed by a native-code implementation and the
shared secret might not be extractable. Therefore it is not always possible to
return the shared secret in a byte array. For that reason, the `encapsulate` and
`decapsulate` methods always return the shared secret in a [`SecretKey`] object.

[`SecretKey`]: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/20/docs/api/java.base/javax/crypto/SecretKey.html

If the key is extractable, the format of the key must be `"RAW"` and its
`getEncoded()` method must return either the full shared secret or the slice of
the shared secret specified by the `from` and `to` parameters of an extended
`encapsulate` or `decapsulate` method.

If the key is not extractable, the key's `getFormat()` and `getEncoded()`
methods must return `null` even though internally the key material is either the
full shared secret or a slice of the shared secret.

### The KEM service provider interface (SPI)

A KEM implementation must implement the `KEMSpi` interface:

package javax.crypto;

public interface KEMSpi {

    interface EncapsulatorSpi {
        int engineSecretSize();
        int engineEncapsulationSize();
        KEM.Encapsulated engineEncapsulate(int from, int to, String algorithm);

    interface DecapsulatorSpi {
        int engineSecretSize();
        int engineEncapsulationSize();
        SecretKey engineDecapsulate(byte[] encapsulation, int from, int to,
                                    String algorithm)
                throws DecapsulateException;

    EncapsulatorSpi engineNewEncapsulator(PublicKey pk, AlgorithmParameterSpec spec,
                                          SecureRandom sr)
            throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, InvalidKeyException;
    DecapsulatorSpi engineNewDecapsulator(PrivateKey sk, AlgorithmParameterSpec spec)
            throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, InvalidKeyException;


An implementation must implement the `EncapsulatorSpi` and `DecapsulatorSpi`
interfaces, and return objects of these types from the `engineNewEncapsulator`
and `engineNewDecapsulator` methods of its `KEMSpi` implementation.  Calls to
the `secretSize`, `encapsulationSize`, `encapsulate`, and `decapsulate` methods
of `Encapsulator` and `Decapsulator` objects are delegated to the
`engineSecretSize`, `engineEncapsulationSize`, `engineEncapsulate`, and
`engineDecapsulate` methods in the `EncapsulatorSpi` and `DecapsulatorSpi`

An implementation of the `engineEncapsulate` and `engineDecapsulate` methods
must be able to encapsulate or decapsulate keys with a `"Generic"` algorithm, a
`from` value of 0, and a `to` value of the shared secret’s length. Otherwise, it
can throw an `UnsupportedOperationException` if the combination of arguments is
not supported because, e.g., the algorithm name cannot be mapped to an internal
key type, the size of the key does not match the algorithm, or the
implementation does not support slicing the shared secret freely.

Future Work

### Encryption options

ISO 18033-2 defines an _encryption option_ for the encapsulate function because
some asymmetric ciphers allow scheme-specific options to be passed to the
encryption algorithm. However, this option is not mentioned in either [RFC 9180]
or NIST's [PQC KEM API Notes], so we do not include it here. If a compelling
case for an algorithm that requires this option arises then a future enhancement
could introduce another overload of the `encapsulate` method that allows the
inclusion of algorithm-specific parameters.

[PQC KEM API Notes]: https://csrc.nist.gov/Projects/Post-Quantum-Cryptography/PQC-Archive

### `AuthEncap` and `AuthDecap` functions

[RFC 9180] defines two optional KEM functions, `AuthEncap` and `AuthDecap`,
which allow the sender to provide its own private key during the encapsulation
process so that the receiver can be assured that the shared secret was generated
by the holder of that private key. However, these two functions do not appear in
any other KEM definitions, so we do not include them here.  Support for these
functions could be added in a future enhancement.


### Use existing APIs

We considered using the existing `KeyGenerator`, `KeyAgreement`, and `Cipher`
APIs to represent KEMs, but each of them has significant issues.  Either they
don't support the required feature set, or the API does not match the KEM

- A `KeyGenerator` is able to generate a `SecretKey`, but not the key
encapsulation message at the same time. As a workaround, we could potentially
encode both the shared secret and the key encapsulation message as the encoded
form of the `SecretKey`. However, this only works when the shared secret is
extractable and this is not always true, as discussed above. For keys that can
be extracted, it still requires the application to extract the secret and the
key encapsulation message from the encoded form of the `SecretKey`, which is
complex and error-prone.  Alternatively, we could store the key encapsulation
message inside the `SecretKey` as a separate field. However, that would require
a new `SecretKey` subclass that has a public method to retrieve the key
encapsulation message.

- A `KeyAgreement` can return a key encapsulation message as a phase key and the
shared secret, via different methods. However, a `KeyAgreement` object is meant
to be initialized with the caller's own private key, but for a KEM there is no
need to create a private key on the sender side. Also, the key encapsulation
message of a KEM is defined as an opaque byte array but `KeyAgreement` returns
the phase key as a `Key` object. New `KeyFactory` and `EncodedKeySpec`
subclasses would be required to translate between key encapsulation messages and

- A `Cipher` is able to wrap an existing key and then unwrap it. However, in a
KEM the shared secret is generated by the encapsulation process. We could pass
in a dummy or `null` key and store the actual shared secret in the output, but
this has the same problem as `KeyGenerator`: It only works when the shared
secret is extractable, and the application must extract the key and the key
encapsulation message from the wrapped result. Moreover, wrapping a key and then
unwrapping it should return the same key, but passing a dummy input to the wrap
method does not conform to this convention.

In short, each of these alternatives would be a hack to work around an API that
was not designed to represent a KEM. Extra classes and methods would be
required, and the implementations would be complex and fragile. Without a
standard KEM API, security providers are likely to implement KEMs in
inconsistent and awkward ways which will be difficult for developers to use.

### Include a key pair generation function

All KEM definitions contain a key pair generation function.  We could have
included such a function in the KEM API, but we chose not to do so since the
existing [`KeyPairGenerator` API] was specifically designed for this
purpose. Including an identical function in the KEM API could lead to confusion
for provider implementors and for developers.


We will add conformance tests on input, output, and exceptions, and the DHKEM
known-answer tests from [RFC 9180].

[~mr] Done. Assigned back to you. Thanks.

[~weijun] Please go ahead and make your change. I've assigned this back to you for now.