Signature is invalid on app-image after it was install/deployed via DMG or PKG.
PKG issue:
1) jpackage --type pkg -i input -n Test --main-class components.DynamicTreeDemo --main-jar DynamicTreeDemo.jar --mac-sign
2) Install pkg file
3) Verify signature and it will not be valid signature.
codesign -vvvv /Applications/
/Applications/ a sealed resource is missing or invalid
file added: /Applications/
file missing: /Applications/
DMG issue:
1) jpackage --type dmg -i input -n Test --main-class components.DynamicTreeDemo --main-jar DynamicTreeDemo.jar --mac-sign
2) Mount DMG file
3) Verify signature and it will not be valid signature.
codesign -vvvv /Volumes/Test/
/Volumes/Test/ a sealed resource is missing or invalid
file added: /Volumes/Test/
file missing: /Volumes/Test/
App-image DMG issue:
1) jpackage --type app-image -i input -n Test --main-class components.DynamicTreeDemo --main-jar DynamicTreeDemo.jar --mac-sign
2) jpackage --type dmg --app-image
3) Verify signature and it will not be valid signature.
codesign -vvv /Volumes/Test/
/Volumes/Test/ a sealed resource is missing or invalid
file added: /Volumes/Test/
file modified: /Volumes/Test/
file modified: /Volumes/Test/
file missing: /Volumes/Test/
App-image PKG issue:
Same as "App-image DMG issue".