[1] Warnings text for -Xshare:cds should be updated - similar to JDK-8277241
[2] In the "java" tool specification, under the "Creating a Shared Archive File and Using It to Run an Application", we should add information about creating CDS archives using the "jcmd" command.
Also, since there are several methods for creating a CDS archive (-Xshare:dump vs -XX:CreateArchiveAtExit vs jcmd), we should add an overview section to compare the different methods.
Some clean up is needed:
- Discussion of obsolete flags (such as -XX:UseAppCDS) should be removed.
- Discussion of uncommon error conditions (such as array classes in the classlist) should also be removed.
(Current version: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/specs/man/java.html#application-class-data-sharing )
[3] The "jcmd" tool specification currently has only minimal documentation for the "VM.cds" command. More details should be added.
(Current version:
https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/specs/man/jcmd.html )