JDK-8280173 : JEP 426: Vector API (Fourth Incubator)
  • Type: JEP
  • Component: core-libs
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Delivered
  • Fix Versions: 19
  • Submitted: 2022-01-18
  • Updated: 2022-07-13
  • Resolved: 2022-07-13
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Introduce an API to express vector computations that reliably compile at
runtime to optimal vector instructions on supported CPU architectures, thus
achieving performance superior to equivalent scalar computations.


The Vector API was first proposed by [JEP 338][JEP-338] and integrated
into JDK 16 as an [incubating API]. A second round of incubation was
proposed by [JEP 414][JEP-414] and integrated into JDK 17. A third round
of incubation was proposed by [JEP 417][JEP-417] and integrated into
JDK 18.

We propose here to incorporate enhancements in response to feedback as
well as performance improvements and other significant implementation
enhancements.  We include the following notable changes:

- Enhance the API to load and store vectors to and from `MemorySegment`s
  as defined by [JEP 424: Foreign Function & Memory (FFM) API
  (Preview)][JEP-424]. The FFM API is sufficiently mature that we are
  comfortable adding this dependency to the Vector API. We will remove
  equivalent API points that operate on `byte[]` and `ByteBuffer`, since
  a `MemorySegment` can be obtained for either. Use of `MemorySegment`s
  will enable the creation of *hyper-aligned* regions of memory, which
  align to the byte length of a vector. On some architectures, such
  alignment enables superior performance when loading and storing

- Add two new cross-lane vector operations, _compress_ and its inverse
  _expand_, together with a complementary vector mask _compress_
  operation.  The _compress_ vector operation maps lanes of a source
  vector, selected by a mask, to a destination vector in lane order; the
  _expand_ operation does the inverse.  The _compress_ operation is
  useful in filtering query results; it can, e.g., select all the
  non-zero integer elements from a source vector and write them,
  contiguously in source lane order, to a destination vector.

- Expand the supported set of bitwise integral lanewise operations to

  - Count the number of one bits,
  - Count the number of leading zero bits,
  - Count the number of trailing zero bits,
  - Reverse the order of bits,
  - Reverse the order of bytes, and
  - Compress and expand bits.

  The latter two operations are analogous to the cross-lane _compress_
  and _expand_ operations, except that they map bits rather than entire
  lanes.  (For more information on bitwise _compress_ and _expand_ see
  §7-4 and §7-5 of
  [_Hacker's Delight_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker's_Delight) by
  Henry S. Warren, Addison-Wesley, 2013.)

  Concurrently but separately from this JEP we will add methods to the
  boxed primitive `Integer` and `Long` types for bitwise scalar
  _compress_ and _expand_ operations, which are independently useful. We
  will specify the bitwise _compress_ and _expand_ vector operations in
  terms of these new scalar methods.

[incubating API]: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/11


- *Clear and concise API* — The API should be capable of clearly and concisely
  expressing a wide range of vector computations consisting of sequences of
  vector operations composed within loops and possibly with control flow.  It
  should be possible to express a computation that is generic with respect to
  vector size, or the number of lanes per vector, thus enabling such
  computations to be portable across hardware supporting different vector

- *Platform agnostic* — The API should be CPU architecture agnostic, enabling
  implementations on multiple architectures supporting vector instructions.  As
  is usual in Java APIs, where platform optimization and portability conflict
  then we will bias toward making the API portable, even if that results in
  some platform-specific idioms not being expressible in portable code.

- *Reliable runtime compilation and performance on x64 and AArch64
  architectures* — On capable x64 architectures the Java runtime, specifically
  the HotSpot C2 compiler, should compile vector operations to corresponding
  efficient and performant vector instructions, such as those supported by
  [Streaming SIMD Extensions][SSE] (SSE) and [Advanced Vector Extensions][AVX]
  (AVX).  Developers should have confidence that the vector operations they
  express will reliably map closely to relevant vector instructions.  On
  capable ARM AArch64 architectures C2 will, similarly, compile vector
  operations to the vector instructions supported by [NEON] and [SVE].


- *Graceful degradation* — Sometimes a vector computation cannot be fully
  expressed at runtime as a sequence of vector instructions, perhaps because
  the architecture does not support some of the required instructions.  In such
  cases the Vector API implementation should degrade gracefully and still
  function.  This may involve issuing warnings if a vector computation cannot
  be efficiently compiled to vector instructions.  On platforms without
  vectors, graceful degradation will yield code competitive with
  manually-unrolled loops, where the unroll factor is the number of lanes in
  the selected vector.


- It is not a goal to enhance the existing auto-vectorization algorithm in

- It is not a goal to support vector instructions on CPU architectures other
  than x64 and AArch64.  However it is important to state, as expressed in the
  goals, that the API must not rule out such implementations.

- It is not a goal to support the C1 compiler.

- It is not a goal to guarantee support for strict floating point calculations as
  is required by the Java platform for scalar operations.
  The results of floating point operations performed on floating point scalars may
  differ from equivalent floating point operations performed on vectors of floating
  point scalars. Any deviations will be clearly documented.
  This non-goal does not rule out options to express or control the desired
  precision or reproducibility of floating point vector computations.


A vector computation consists of a sequence of operations on vectors.  A vector
comprises a (usually) fixed sequence of scalar values, where the scalar values
correspond to the number of hardware-defined vector lanes.  A binary operation
applied to two vectors with the same number of lanes would, for each lane,
apply the equivalent scalar operation on the corresponding two scalar values
from each vector.  This is commonly referred to as
[Single Instruction Multiple Data][SIMD] (SIMD).


Vector operations express a degree of parallelism that enables more work to be
performed in a single CPU cycle and thus can result in significant performance
gains.  For example, given two vectors, each containing a sequence of eight
integers (i.e., eight lanes), the two vectors can be added together using a
single hardware instruction.  The vector addition instruction operates on
sixteen integers, performing eight integer additions, in the time it would
ordinarily take to operate on two integers, performing one integer addition.

HotSpot already supports [auto-vectorization], which transforms scalar
operations into superword operations which are then mapped to vector
instructions.  The set of transformable scalar operations is limited, and also
fragile with respect to changes in code shape.  Furthermore, only a subset of
the available vector instructions might be utilized, limiting the performance
of generated code.


Today, a developer who wishes to write scalar operations that are reliably
transformed into superword operations needs to understand HotSpot's
auto-vectorization algorithm and its limitations in order to achieve reliable and
sustainable performance.  In some cases it may not be possible to write scalar
operations that are transformable.  For example, HotSpot does not transform the
simple scalar operations for calculating the hash code of an array (the
[Arrays::hashCode][hashCode] methods), nor can it auto-vectorize code to
lexicographically compare two arrays (thus we
[added an intrinsic for lexicographic comparison][JDK-8033148]).

[hashCode]: https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/2a406f3ce5e200af9909ce051fdeed0cc059fea0/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Arrays.java#L4251

The Vector API aims to improve the situation by providing a way to write
complex vector algorithms in Java, using the existing HotSpot auto-vectorizer
but with a user model which makes vectorization far more predictable and
robust.  Hand-coded vector loops can express high-performance algorithms, such
as vectorized `hashCode` or specialized array comparisons, which an
auto-vectorizer may never optimize.  Numerous domains can benefit from this
explicit vector API including machine learning, linear algebra, cryptography,
finance, and code within the JDK itself.


A vector is represented by the abstract class `Vector<E>`.  The type variable
`E` is instantiated as the boxed type of the scalar primitive integral or
floating point element types covered by the vector.  A vector also has a
_shape_ which defines the size, in bits, of the vector. The shape of a vector
governs how an instance of `Vector<E>` is mapped to a hardware vector register
when vector computations are compiled by the HotSpot C2 compiler.  The length
of a vector, i.e., the number of lanes or elements, is the vector size divided
by the element size.

The set of element types (`E`) supported is `Byte`, `Short`, `Integer`, `Long`,
`Float` and `Double`, corresponding to the scalar primitive types `byte`,
`short`, `int`, `long`, `float` and `double`, respectively.

The set of shapes supported correspond to vector sizes of 64, 128, 256, and 512
bits, as well as _max_ bits.  A 512-bit shape can pack `byte`s into 64 lanes or
pack `int`s into 16 lanes, and a vector of such a shape can operate on 64
`byte`s at a time or 16 `int`s at a time.  A _max_-bits shape supports the
maximum vector size of the current architecture. This enables support for the
ARM SVE platform, where platform implementations can support any fixed size
ranging from 128 to 2048 bits, in increments of 128 bits.

We believe that these simple shapes are generic enough to be useful on all
relevant platforms.  However, as we experiment with future platforms during the
incubation of this API we may further modify the design of the shape parameter.
Such work is not in the early scope of this project, but these possibilities
partly inform the present role of shapes in the Vector API.  (For further
discussion see the [future work](#Future-work) section, below.)

The combination of element type and shape determines a vector's _species_,
represented by `VectorSpecies<E>`.

Operations on vectors are classified as either _lane-wise_ or _cross-lane_.

- A _lane-wise_ operation applies a scalar operator, such as addition, to each
  lane of one or more vectors in parallel.  A lane-wise operation usually, but
  not always, produces a vector of the same length and shape.  Lane-wise
  operations are further classified as unary, binary, ternary, test, or
  conversion operations.

- A _cross-lane_ operation applies an operation across an entire vector.  A
  cross-lane operation produces either a scalar or a vector of possibly a
  different shape.  Cross-lane operations are further classified as permutation
  or reduction operations.

To reduce the surface of the API, we define collective methods for each class
of operation.  These methods take operator constants as input; these constants
are instances of the `VectorOperator.Operator` class and are defined in static
final fields in the `VectorOperators` class.  For convenience we define
dedicated methods, which can be used in place of the generic methods, for some
common _full-service_ operations such as addition and multiplication.

Certain operations on vectors, such conversion and reinterpretation, are
inherently _shape-changing_; i.e., they produce vectors whose shapes are
different from the shapes of their inputs.  Shape-changing operations in a
vector computation can negatively impact portability and performance.  For this
reason the API defines a _shape-invariant_ flavor of each shape-changing
operation when applicable.  For best performance, developers should write
shape-invariant code using shape-invariant operations insofar as possible.
Shape-changing operations are identified as such in the API specification.

The `Vector<E>` class declares a set of methods for common vector operations
supported by all element types.  For operations specific to an element type
there are six abstract subclasses of `Vector<E>`, one for each supported
element type: `ByteVector`, `ShortVector`, `IntVector`, `LongVector`,
`FloatVector`, and `DoubleVector`.  These type-specific subclasses define
additional operations that are bound to the element type since the method
signature refers either to the element type or to the related array type.
Examples of such operations include reduction (e.g., summing all lanes to a
scalar value), and copying a vector's elements into an array.  These subclasses
also define additional full-service operations specific to the integral
subtypes (e.g., bitwise operations such as logical or), as well as operations
specific to the floating point types (e.g., transcendental mathematical
functions such as exponentiation).

As an implementation matter, these type-specific subclasses of `Vector<E>` are
further extended by concrete subclasses for different vector shapes.  These
concrete subclasses are not public since there is no need to provide operations
specific to types and shapes.  This reduces the API surface to a sum of
concerns rather than a product.  Instances of concrete `Vector` classes are
obtained via factory methods defined in the base `Vector<E>` class and its
type-specific subclasses.  These factories take as input the species of the
desired vector instance and produce various kinds of instances, for example the
vector instance whose elements are default values (i.e., the zero vector), or a
vector instance initialized from a given array.

To support control flow, some vector operations optionally accept masks
represented by the public abstract class `VectorMask<E>`.  Each element in a
mask is a boolean value corresponding to a vector lane.  A mask selects the
lanes to which an operation is applied: It is applied if the mask element for
the lane is true, and some alternative action is taken if the mask is false.

Similar to vectors, instances of `VectorMask<E>` are instances of non-public
concrete subclasses defined for each element type and length combination.  The
instance of `VectorMask<E>` used in an operation should have the same type and
length as the vector instances involved in the operation. Vector comparison
operations produce masks, which can then be used as input to other operations
to selectively operate on certain lanes and thereby emulate flow control.
Masks can also be created using static factory methods in the `VectorMask<E>`

We anticipate that masks will play an important role in the development of
vector computations that are generic with respect to shape.  This expectation
is based on the central importance of predicate registers, the equivalent of
masks, in the ARM Scalable Vector Extensions and in Intel's AVX-512.

On such platforms an instance of `VectorMask<E>` is mapped to a predicate register,
and a mask-accepting operation is compiled to a predicate-register-accepting vector
instruction.  On platforms that don't support predicate registers, a less efficient
approach is applied: An instance of `VectorMask<E>`is mapped, where possible,
to a compatible vector register, and in general a mask-accepting operation is
composed of the equivalent unmasked operation and a blend operation.

To support cross-lane permutation operations, some vector operations accept
shuffles represented by the public abstract class `VectorShuffle<E>`.  Each element
in a shuffle is an `int` value corresponding to a lane index.  A shuffle is a mapping
of lane indexes, describing the movement of lane elements from a given vector to a
result vector.

Similar to vectors and masks, instances of `VectorShuffle<E>` are instances of
non-public concrete subclasses defined for each element type and length combination.
The instance of `VectorShuffle<E>` used in an operation should have the same type
and length as the vector instances involved in the operation.

### Example

Here is a simple scalar computation over elements of arrays:

    void scalarComputation(float[] a, float[] b, float[] c) {
       for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
            c[i] = (a[i] * a[i] + b[i] * b[i]) * -1.0f;

(We assume that the array arguments are of the same length.)

Here is an equivalent vector computation, using the Vector API:

    static final VectorSpecies<Float> SPECIES = FloatVector.SPECIES_PREFERRED;

    void vectorComputation(float[] a, float[] b, float[] c) {
        int i = 0;
        int upperBound = SPECIES.loopBound(a.length);
        for (; i < upperBound; i += SPECIES.length()) {
            // FloatVector va, vb, vc;
            var va = FloatVector.fromArray(SPECIES, a, i);
            var vb = FloatVector.fromArray(SPECIES, b, i);
            var vc = va.mul(va)
            vc.intoArray(c, i);
        for (; i < a.length; i++) {
            c[i] = (a[i] * a[i] + b[i] * b[i]) * -1.0f;

To start, we obtain a preferred species whose shape is optimal for the current
architecture from `FloatVector`.  We store it in a `static final` field so that
the runtime compiler treats the value as constant and can therefore better
optimize the vector computation.  The main loop then iterates over the input
arrays in strides of the vector length, i.e., the species length.  It loads
`float` vectors of the given species from arrays `a` and `b` at the
corresponding index, fluently performs the arithmetic operations, and then
stores the result into array `c`.  If any array elements are left over after
the last iteration then the results for those _tail_ elements are computed with
an ordinary scalar loop.

This implementation achieves optimal performance on large arrays.  The HotSpot
C2 compiler generates machine code similar to the following on an Intel x64
processor supporting AVX:

      0.43%  / │  0x0000000113d43890: vmovdqu 0x10(%r8,%rbx,4),%ymm0
      7.38%  │ │  0x0000000113d43897: vmovdqu 0x10(%r10,%rbx,4),%ymm1
      8.70%  │ │  0x0000000113d4389e: vmulps %ymm0,%ymm0,%ymm0
      5.60%  │ │  0x0000000113d438a2: vmulps %ymm1,%ymm1,%ymm1
     13.16%  │ │  0x0000000113d438a6: vaddps %ymm0,%ymm1,%ymm0
     21.86%  │ │  0x0000000113d438aa: vxorps -0x7ad76b2(%rip),%ymm0,%ymm0
      7.66%  │ │  0x0000000113d438b2: vmovdqu %ymm0,0x10(%r9,%rbx,4)
     26.20%  │ │  0x0000000113d438b9: add    $0x8,%ebx
      6.44%  │ │  0x0000000113d438bc: cmp    %r11d,%ebx
             \ │  0x0000000113d438bf: jl     0x0000000113d43890

This is the output of a JMH micro-benchmark for the above code using the
prototype of the Vector API and implementation found on the
[`vectorIntrinsics` branch][panama-git] of Project Panama's development repository.
These hot areas of generated machine code show a clear translation to vector registers
and vector instructions.  We disabled loop unrolling (via the HotSpot option
`-XX:LoopUnrollLimit=0`) in order to make the translation clearer; otherwise, HotSpot
would unroll this code using existing C2 loop optimizations.  All Java object
allocations are elided.

(HotSpot is capable of auto-vectorizing the scalar computation in this
particular example, and it will generate a similar sequence of vector
instructions.  The main difference is that the auto-vectorizer generates
a vector multiply instruction for the multiplication by `-1.0f`, whereas
the Vector API implementation generates a vector XOR instruction that
flips the sign bit.  However, the key point of this example is to present
the Vector API and show how its implementation generates vector
instructions, rather than to compare it to the auto-vectorizer.)

[panama-git]: https://github.com/openjdk/panama-vector/tree/vectorIntrinsics

On platforms supporting predicate registers, the example above could be written more
simply, without the scalar loop to process the tail elements, while still achieving
optimal performance:

    void vectorComputation(float[] a, float[] b, float[] c) {
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i += SPECIES.length()) {
            // VectorMask<Float>  m;
            var m = SPECIES.indexInRange(i, a.length);
            // FloatVector va, vb, vc;
            var va = FloatVector.fromArray(SPECIES, a, i, m);
            var vb = FloatVector.fromArray(SPECIES, b, i, m);
            var vc = va.mul(va)
            vc.intoArray(c, i, m);

In the loop body we obtain a loop dependent mask for input to the load and
store operations.  When `i <  SPECIES.loopBound(a.length)` the mask, `m`, declares
all lanes are set.  For the last iteration of the loop, when
`SPECIES.loopBound(a.length) <= i < a.length` and `(a.length - i) <= SPECIES.length()`,
the mask may declare a suffix of unset lanes.
The load and store operations will not throw out-of-bounds exceptions since the
mask prevents access to the array beyond its length.

We would prefer that developers write in the above style for all supported
platforms and achieve optimal performance, but today on platforms without
predicate registers the above approach is not optimal.  In theory the C2
compiler could be enhanced to transform the loop, peeling off the last iteration
and removing the mask from the loop body.  This remains an area for further

### Run-time compilation

The Vector API has two implementations.  The first implements operations in
Java, thus it is functional but not optimal.  The second defines intrinsic
vector operations for the HotSpot C2 run-time compiler so that it can compile
vector computations to appropriate hardware registers and vector instructions
when available.

To avoid an explosion of C2 intrinsics we define generalized intrinsics
corresponding to the various kinds of operations such as unary, binary,
conversion, and so on, which take a parameter describing the specific operation
to be performed.  Approximately twenty new intrinsics support the
intrinsification of the entire API.

We expect ultimately to declare vector classes as primitive classes, as
proposed by [Project Valhalla] in [JEP 401 (Primitive Objects)][JEP-401].  In
the meantime `Vector<E>` and its subclasses are considered [value-based
classes][vbc], so identity-sensitive operations on their instances should be
avoided.  Although vector instances are abstractly composed of elements in
lanes, those elements are not scalarized by C2 — a vector’s value is treated as
a whole unit, like an `int` or a `long`, that maps to a vector register of the
appropriate size.  Vector instances are treated specially by C2 in order to
overcome limitations in escape analysis and avoid boxing.

[Project Valhalla]:http://openjdk.java.net/projects/valhalla/
[vbc]: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/16/docs/api/java.base/java/lang/doc-files/ValueBased.html

### Intel SVML intrinsics for transcendental operations

The Vector API supports transcendental and trigonometric lanewise operations on
floating point vectors.  On x64 we leverage the Intel Short Vector Math Library
(SVML) to provide optimized intrinsic implementations for such operations. The
intrinsic operations have the same numerical properties as the corresponding
scalar operations defined in `java.lang.Math`.

The assembly source files for SVML operations are in the source code of the
`jdk.incubator.vector` module, under OS-specific directories.  The JDK build
process compiles these source files for the target operating system into an
SVML-specific shared library. This library is fairly large, weighing in at just
under a megabyte.  If a JDK image, built via `jlink`, omits the
`jdk.incubator.vector` module then the SVML library is not copied into the

The implementation only supports Linux and Windows at this time.  We will
consider macOS support later, since it is a non-trivial amount of work to
provide assembly source files with the required directives.

The HotSpot runtime will attempt to load the SVML library and, if present, bind
the operations in the SVML library to named stub routines. The C2 compiler
generates code that calls the appropriate stub routine based on the operation
and vector species (i.e., element type and shape).

In the future, if [Project Panama] expands its support of native calling
conventions to support vector values then it may be possible for the Vector API
implementation to load the SVML library from an external source. If there is no
performance impact with this approach then it would no longer be necessary to
include SVML in source form and build it into the JDK.  Until then we deem the
above approach acceptable, given the potential performance gains.

[Project Panama]: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/panama/

### Future work

- As mentioned above, we expect ultimately to declare vector classes as
  [primitive classes][JEP-401].  We expect, further, to leverage Project
  Valhalla’s generic specialization of primitive classes so that instances of
  `Vector<E>` can be primitive values whose concrete types are primitive types.
  This will make it easier to optimize and express vector computations.
  Subtypes of `Vector<E>` for specific types, such as `IntVector`, might not be
  required once we have generic specialization over primitive classes.  We
  intend to incubate the API over multiple releases and adapt it as primitive
  classes and related facilities become available.

- We anticipate enhancing the implementation to improve the optimization of
  loops containing vectorized code, and generally improve performance incrementally over

- We also anticipate enhancing the combinatorial unit tests to assert
  that C2 generates vector hardware instructions. The unit tests
  currently assume, without verification, that repeated execution is
  sufficient to cause C2 to generate vector hardware instructions.  We
  will explore the use of C2's [IR Test Framework][IR test] to assert,
  cross-platform, that vector nodes are present in the IR graph (for
  example, using [regex matching][JDK-8254129]).  If this approach is
  problematic we may explore a rudimentary approach that uses the
  non-product `-XX:+TraceNewVectors` flag to print vector nodes.

- We will evaluate the definition of synthetic vector shapes to give better control
  over loop unrolling and matrix operations, and consider appropriate support for
  sorting and parsing algorithms. (See [this presentation][VectorTopics] for more

[VectorTopics]: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/202202-VectorTopics.pdf
[IR test]: https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/master/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/lib/ir_framework/README.md
[JDK-8254129]: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8254129


HotSpot's auto-vectorization is an alternative approach, but it would require
significant work.  It would, moreover, still be fragile and limited compared to
the Vector API, since auto-vectorization with complex control flow is very hard
to perform.

In general, even after decades of research — especially for FORTRAN and C array
loops — it seems that auto-vectorization of scalar code is not a reliable
tactic for optimizing ad-hoc user-written loops unless the user pays unusually
careful attention to unwritten contracts about exactly which loops a compiler
is prepared to auto-vectorize.  It is too easy to write a loop that fails to
auto-vectorize, for a reason that no human reader can detect.  Years of work on
auto-vectorization, even in HotSpot, have left us with lots of optimization
machinery that works only on special occasions.  We want to enjoy the use of
this machinery more often!


We will develop combinatorial unit tests to ensure coverage for all operations,
for all supported types and shapes, over various data sets.

We will also develop performance tests to ensure that performance goals are met
and vector computations map efficiently to vector instructions.  This will
likely consist of JMH micro-benchmarks, but more realistic examples of useful
algorithms will also be required.  Such tests may initially reside in a project
specific repository. Curation is likely required before integration into the
main repository given the proportion of tests and the manner in which they are

Risks and Assumptions

- There is a risk that the API will be biased to the SIMD functionality
  supported on x64 architectures, but this is mitigated with support for
  AArch64.  This applies mainly to the explicitly fixed set of supported
  shapes, which bias against coding algorithms in a shape-generic fashion.  We
  consider the majority of other operations of the Vector API to bias toward
  portable algorithms.  To mitigate that risk we will take other architectures
  into account, specifically the ARM Scalar Vector Extension architecture whose
  programming model adjusts dynamically to the singular fixed shape supported
  by the hardware.  We welcome and encourage OpenJDK contributors working on
  the ARM-specific areas of HotSpot to participate in this effort.

- The Vector API uses box types (e.g., `Integer`) as proxies for primitive
  types (e.g., `int`).  This decision is forced by the current limitations of
  Java generics, which are hostile to primitive types.  When Project Valhalla
  eventually introduces more capable generics then the current decision will
  seem awkward, and will likely need changing.  We assume that such changes
  will be possible without excessive backward incompatibility.

I included an additional paragraph discussing the example and auto-vectorizer.

Can you show generated code by C2's auto-vectorizer for initial Java `scalarComputation()` code example (if it is vectorized)?