From the spec : InetAddressResolverProvider::get(InetAddressResolverProvider.Configuration configuration)
"Any error or exception thrown by this method is considered as a failure of InetAddressResolver instantiation and will be propagated to the calling thread."
Need a clarification regarding the phrase "propagated to the calling thread."
Technically, the invocation of the InetAddressResolverProvider::get() done by the JDK implementation as a result of application/test invoking one of the methods resulting in lookup operations.
Is it right expectation that "The application/test" receives the exception or error thrown by the InetAddressResolverProvider::get() ?
Is There is a possibility that JDK implementation interpret "the exception or error thrown by the InetAddressResolverProvider::get()" and returns OR throws something as stated by the respective look up operation methods?
Currently the spec looks ambiguous in this context.