Remove the RMI Activation API and implementation, and the `rmid` tool.
RMI Activation is obsolete and will be removed. See [JEP 407]( for full background.
Removal of RMI Activation entails the following changes to Java SE specifications, or JDK specifications where noted:
* removal of the `java.rmi.activation` package from the `java.rmi` module
* removal of references to the `java.rmi.activation` APIs from other parts of Java SE (mostly from other parts of `java.rmi`)
* removal of mentions of Activation from the RMI Specification
* removal of the `rmid` command-line tool and specification (these are JDK-specific)
Specdiff attached: [](
Textual diffs to the RMI Specification are attached: [rmispec-v2.diffs]( Mostly this is removal of the text of the RMI Activation chapter, plus other editorial adjustments.