JDK-8266577 : Implement JEP 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal
  • Type: CSR
  • Component: security-libs
  • Sub-Component: java.security
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Approved
  • Fix Versions: 17
  • Submitted: 2021-05-05
  • Updated: 2021-06-14
  • Resolved: 2021-05-28
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Deprecate the Security Manager for removal.


The Security Manager dates from Java 1.0. It has not been the primary means of securing client-side Java code for many years, and it has rarely been used to secure server-side code. To move Java forward, we intend to deprecate the Security Manager for removal in concert with the legacy Applet API ([JEP 398][jep398]).

See [JEP 411][jep411] for more rationale.

[jep398]: https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/398
[jep411]: https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/411

The solution involves three main changes:

**1. Deprecate, for removal, most Security Manager related classes and methods.**

The Security Manager consists of `java.lang.SecurityManager` and a number of closely related APIs in java.lang and java.security. We will terminally deprecate the following eight classes and two methods by annotating them with @Deprecated(forRemoval=true):

- `java.lang.SecurityManager` ��� The primary API for the Security Manager.

- `java.lang.System::{setSecurityManager, getSecurityManager}` ��� Methods for setting and getting the Security Manager.

- `java.security.{Policy, PolicySpi, Policy.Parameters}` ��� The primary APIs for policy, which are used to determine if code running under the Security Manager has been granted permission to perform specific privileged operations.

- `java.security.{AccessController, AccessControlContext, AccessControlException, DomainCombiner}` ��� The primary APIs for the access controller, which is the default implementation to which the Security Manager delegates permission checks. These APIs do not have value without the Security Manager, since certain operations will not work without both a policy implementation and access-control context support in the VM.

We will also terminally deprecate the following two classes and eight methods which depend strongly on the Security Manager:

 - `java.lang.Thread::checkAccess`, `java.lang.ThreadGroup::checkAccess`, and `java.util.logging.LogManager::checkAccess` ��� These three methods are anomalous because they allow ordinary Java code to check whether it would be trusted to perform certain operations without actually performing them. They serve no purpose without the Security Manager.

 - `java.util.concurrent.Executors::{privilegedCallable, privilegedCallableUsingCurrentClassLoader, privilegedThreadFactory}` ��� These utility methods are only useful when the Security Manager is enabled.

 - `java.rmi.RMISecurityManager` ��� RMI's Security Manager class. This class is obsolete and was deprecated in Java 8.

 - `javax.security.auth.SubjectDomainCombiner` and `javax.security.auth.Subject::{doAsPrivileged, getSubject}` ��� APIs for user-based authorization that are dependent on Security Manager APIs such as `AccessControlContext` and `DomainCombiner`.

See the attached `specdiff.03.zip` for details.

**2. Issue a warning at startup or run time if a security manager is enabled on the command-line or installed dynamically.**

If the Java runtime is started with `java -Djava.security.manager` or `java -Djava.security.manager=...` (where `...` is `""` or `default` or the class name of a custom Security Manager implementation), then a warning message is issued at startup.

This warning will explain that the Security Manager is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. This warning, unlike compile-time deprecation warnings, cannot be suppressed.

If the Java runtime is started without setting the system property `java.security.manager`, or started with `java -Djava.security.manager=allow`, then no warning message is issued at startup. However, if Java code installs a Security Manager dynamically by calling the deprecated method `System::setSecurityManager`, then a warning message is issued during run time.

This warning will explain that `System::setSecurityManager` is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. This warning, unlike compile-time deprecation warnings, cannot be suppressed.

If the Java runtime is started with `java -Djava.security.manager=disallow`, then no warning message is issued at startup. However, the deprecated method `System::setSecurityManager` will throw an `UnsupportedOperationException`. This behavior is unchanged from Java 16.

See the attachments `specdiff.03.zip` and `webrev.03.zip` for details.
Moving to Approved. Perhaps one or more JFR events related to security manager could be helpful as well as follow-up work.

[~darcy] I have re-finalized the CSR as we have made a couple of changes. The main change is that we are not changing the default behavior of the `java.security.manager` system property to "disable", thus the default behavior remains the same as in Java 16. The warnings section in the Solution section of the CSR has been updated to reflect that, and the `SecurityManager` and `System.setSecurityManager` APIs have been changed, essentially reverted to the specification as it stands in Java 16 (although the APIs are still deprecated for removal). I have updated the webrev and specdiff to reflect these changes.

[~mullan], understood; when updating the CSR, please indicate what changed from the prior version. Thanks.

Moving to Approved for JDK 17.

This CSR has been updated with new `specdiff.02.zip` and `webrev.02.zip` attachments. The main changes since the initial submission are: - Deprecation text has been added to all classes and methods that are marked for removal. - `java.util.logging.LogManager::checkAccess()` was missed in the previous specdiff and has been added. - @since 1.8 has been added to the deprecated `java.rmi.RMISecurityManager` as that was when it was initially deprecated. The source diffs (currently under review) can also be viewed at https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/commit/576161d15423f58281e384174d28c9f9be7941a1

Moving to Provisional. General comment on the deprecation text: it is customary to offer guidance on replacement functionality, if there is any. For the items in question, I suggest adding "... No replacement." so the full text would be something like > Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a > future version. No replacement. If there is some package-level of module level text planned to describe the sequencing of transitioning from security manager , that URL could be referenced from the @deprecated tags. As the type is being updated, please add the correct @since deprecated information to RMISecurityManager.