The following test failed in the JDK17 CI:
Here's a snippet from the log file:
[4.367s][debug][thread,smr] tid=5322: Threads::remove: new ThreadsList=0x00007f86e0000d80
[4.367s][debug][thread,smr] tid=5322: ThreadsSMRSupport::free_list: threads=0x00007f86e4000e60 is freed.
[4.367s][debug][thread,smr] tid=5322: ThreadsSMRSupport::smr_delete: thread=0x00007f86ec034f30 is deleted.
The following fake exception stacktrace is for failure analysis.
nsk.share.Fake_Exception_for_RULE_Creation: (agent_tools.cpp:471) (foundThread = (jthread) jni_env->NewGlobalRef(foundThread)) != NULL
at nsk_lvcomplain(nsk_tools.cpp:172)
# ERROR: agent_tools.cpp, 471: (foundThread = (jthread) jni_env->NewGlobalRef(foundThread)) != NULL
# verified JNI assertion is FALSE
# ERROR: suspendthrd003.cpp, 60: (testedThread = nsk_jvmti_threadByName(THREAD_NAME)) != NULL
# verified assertion is FALSE