If we enable Metal API Validation and launch J2DDemo.
Jump between tabs for sometime(Dont click on Clipping tab for that we have open bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8261638)
J2DTrace enabled fastdebug logs :
MTLBlitLoops_IsoBlit [tx=1, xf=0, AC=SRC_OVER]: src=0x7fd526990400 [tex=0x7fd527d89950, 5x3, O=0], dst=0x7fd52728a480 [tex=0x7fd528309860, 1702x1158, O=0] | (0, 0, 5, 3)->(10.00, 28.00, 20.00, 34.00)[V] [via sampling]
[V] MTLContext : commandBuffer is NULL
[V] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: opcode=31, rem=156
MTLBlitLoops_IsoBlit [tx=1, xf=0, AC=SRC_OVER]: src=0x7fd526975b50 [tex=0x7fd527d8f570, 5x1, O=0], dst=0x7fd52728a480 [tex=0x7fd528309860, 1702x1158, O=0] | (0, 0, 5, 1)->(10.00, 34.00, 20.00, 348.00)[V] [via sampling]
[V] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: opcode=31, rem=84
MTLBlitLoops_IsoBlit [tx=1, xf=0, AC=SRC_OVER]: src=0x7fd526975bf0 [tex=0x7fd5269d2910, 5x3, O=0], dst=0x7fd52728a480 [tex=0x7fd528309860, 1702x1158, O=0] | (0, 0, 5, 3)->(10.00, 348.00, 20.00, 354.00)[V] [via sampling]
[V] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: opcode=90, rem=12
[V] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: opcode=71, rem=8
[V] desired texture dimensions: w=50 h=50 max=16384
[V] MTLSurfaceData_initTexture: w=50 h=50 bp=0x7fd52a34aa00 [tex=0x7fd529462cf0] opaque=0 rtt=0
[I] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: limit=88
[V] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: opcode=90, rem=84
[V] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: opcode=71, rem=80
[V] MTLRenderQueue_CheckPreviousOp: new op=7
[V] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: opcode=31, rem=68
MTLBlitLoops_Blit [tx=1, xf=0, AC=SRC_OVER]: bdst=0x7fd52a34aa00 [tex=0x7fd529462cf0, 50x50, O=0], src=0x7fd528ff4f60 (50x50) O=0 premul=1 | (0, 0, 50, 50)->(0.00, 0.00, 50.00, 50.00)[V] replaceTextureRegion src (dw, dh) : [50, 50] dest (dx1, dy1) =[0, 0]
[V] MTLContext : commandBuffer is NULL
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007fff59e2cd3c, pid=16575, tid=73227
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (17.0) (fastdebug build 17-internal+0-adhoc.jdv.open)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (fastdebug 17-internal+0-adhoc.jdv.open, mixed mode, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, compressed class ptrs, g1 gc, bsd-amd64)
# Problematic frame:
# C [MetalTools+0x9d3c] -[MTLToolsCommandBuffer commit]+0x5d
In MTLBlitLoops_replaceTextureRegion we have commandbuffer commit and also usage of Compute Encoder.
I have attached crash log also.
Even with release build + Metal API validation issue is easily reproducible.
This can be reproduced even in SwingSet2 by launching it with Metal API validation and clicking on different things.