Change the behavior of the isStandalone property so that it takes effect regardless of the settings of the pretty-print property.
The new implementation specific property isStandalone added through JDK-8249867 required the property format-pretty-print to be true. However, there are cases where applications want the serializer to produce an output with a newline after the header but without setting the pretty-print property.
Remove the dependency on the pretty-print property.
**JDK16u and Oracle JDK11u**
The javadoc will be exactly the same as described in the JDK17 CSR (
In the implementation note of the module summary (java.xml/, specifically in table Features and Properties, remove **when the property format-pretty-print is set to true** from the property description.
A link is provided below for convenience:
**Oracle JDK8u and Oracle JDK7u**
The release note subtask ( is clarified with above content.