JDK-8253679 : JEP-JDK-8247768: Test Plan for JEP 392: Packaging Tool
  • Type: JEP Task
  • Component: tools
  • Sub-Component: jpackage
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Delivered
  • Fix Versions: 16
  • Submitted: 2020-09-25
  • Updated: 2020-10-13
  • Resolved: 2020-10-13
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# Test Methodology

We will test jpackage with a mix of automated jtreg tests, partially automated tests and manual tests. Some of the manual tests could later become automated tests (either jtreg tests or SQE tests). Partially automated tests are jtreg based tests which will require user interaction to install and uninstall generated installers. Installer generation, install and uninstall verification is done automatically by running jtreg tests with special arguments.

# Test Inventory (optional)

# Automated tests

## JUnit tests
 - AppImageFileTest
 - ApplicationLayoutTest
 - CompareDottedVersionTest
 - DeployParamsTest
 - DottedVersionTest
 - InvalidDottedVersionTest
 - OverridableResourceTest
 - PathGroupTest
 - PlatformVersionTest
 - ToolValidatorTest

## CLI and miscellaneous tests
 - AppVersionTest
 - BasicTest
 - ErrorTest
 - JavaOptionsEqualsTest
 - JavaOptionsTest
 - MainClassTest
 - ModulePathTest
 - ModulePathTest2
 - ModulePathTest3
 - MultipleJarAppTest
 - NonExistentTest
 - UnicodeArgsTest

## Create App Image
 - ArgumentsTest
 - EmptyFolderTest

## Create package tests (partially automated)
 - AddLauncherTest
 - AppImagePackageTest
 - EmptyFolderPackageTest
 - FileAssociationsTest
 - IconTest
 - InstallDirTest
 - LicenseTest
 - MultiLauncherTwoPhaseTest
 - RuntimePackageTest
 - SimplePackageTest

## Windows specific

### Create App Image
 - WinConsoleTest

### Create package tests (automated)
- WinScriptTest

### Create package tests (partially automated)
 - WinDirChooserTest
 - WinL10nTest
 - WinMenuGroupTest
 - WinMenuTest
 - WinPerUserInstallTest
 - WinResourceTest
 - WinShortcutTest
 - WinUpgradeUUIDTest

## MacOS specific

### Create App Image
 - MacFileAssociationsTest
 - MacPropertiesTest
 - SigningAppImageTest

### Create package tests (partially automated)
 - NameWithSpaceTest
 - SigningPackageTest

## Linux specific

### Create package tests (automated)
 - LinuxResourceTest

### Create package tests (partially automated)
 - UsrTreeTest
 - AppCategoryTest
 - LicenseTypeTest
 - LinuxBundleNameTest
 - MaintainerTest
 - PackageDepsTest
 - ReleaseTest
 - ShortcutHintTest

# Test Configurations (optional)

## Windows
Wix, a third-party tool, is required to run MSI and EXE installer tests. For EXE we using Wix to generate MSI installer and then embedding it to EXE.

## MacOS
MacOS should have required tools by default.

## Linux
Might require additional packages to build RPM or DEB.

#SQE Manual Tests:
##JPKG001- Windows Testing
 - JPKG001-001: AddLauncherTest
 - JPKG001-002: FileAssociationsTest
 - JPKG001-003: InstallDirTest
 - JPKG001-004: LicenseTest
 - JPKG001-005: RuntimePackageTest
 - JPKG001-006: SimplePackageTest
 - JPKG001-007: WinDirChooserTest
 - JPKG001-008: WinMenuGroupTest
 - JPKG001-009: WinMenuTest
 - JPKG001-010: WinPerUserInstallTest
 - JPKG001-011: WinShortcutTest
 - JPKG001-012: WinUpgradeUUIDTest
 - JPKG001-013: Reinstall Test Same
 - JPKG001-014: Reinstall Test Different
 - JPKG001-015: Run JPackage Bundle on x86 machine

##JPKG002- Mac Testing
 - JPKG002-001: AddLauncherTest
 - JPKG002-002: FileAssociationsTest
 - JPKG002-003: InstallDirTest
 - JPKG002-004: LicenseTest
 - JPKG002-005: SimplePackageTest
 - JPKG002-006: SigningPackageTest
 - JPKG002-007: SigningPackageTest-InvalidCert
 - JPKG002-008: NameWithSpaceTest
 - JPKG002-009: Reinstall Test

##JPKG003- Linux Testing - RPM
 - JPKG003-001: AppCategoryTest
 - JPKG003-002: ReleaseTest
 - JPKG003-003: BundleNameTest
 - JPKG003-004: LicenseTypeTest
 - JPKG003-005: PackageDepsTest
 - JPKG003-006: FileAssociationsTest
 - JPKG003-007: InstallDirTest
 - JPKG003-008: LicenseTest
 - JPKG003-009: RuntimePackageTest
 - JPKG003-010: SimplePackageTest
 - JPKG003-011: BasicShortcutHintTest
 - JPKG003-012: AddLauncherTest

##JPKG004- Linux Testing - Debian
 - JPKG004-001: AppCategoryTest
 - JPKG004-002: ReleaseTest 
 - JPKG004-003: BundleNameTest
 - JPKG004-004: MaintainerTest
 - JPKG004-005: PackageDepsTest
 - JPKG004-006: FileAssociationsTest
 - JPKG004-007: InstallDirTest
 - JPKG004-008: LicenseTest
 - JPKG004-009: RuntimePackageTest
 - JPKG004-010: SimplePackageTest
 - JPKG004-011: BasicShortcutHintTest
 - JPKG004-012: AddLauncherTest
[~almatvee] please update it to follow the up-to-date test inventory