Three new options have been added to the `jhsdb` command for the debugd mode: 1. `--rmiport <port>` is used to specify a RMI connector port number. If a port number is not specified, a random available port is used. 2. `--registryport <port>` is used to specify a RMI registry port number. This option overrides the system property `sun.jvm.hotspot.rmi.port`. If a port number is not specified, the system property is used. If the system property is not set, the default port 1099 is used. 3. ` --hostname <hostname>` is used to specify a RMI connector host name. The value could be a hostname or an IPv4/IPv6 address. This option overrides the system property `java.rmi.server.hostname`. If a host name not specified, the system property is used. If the system property is not set, a system host name is used.