JDK-8246790 : LambdaMetafactory fails to support invokespecial method handle with hidden class
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: core-libs
  • Sub-Component: java.lang.invoke
  • Affected Version: 15
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Duplicate
  • Submitted: 2020-06-08
  • Updated: 2021-10-06
  • Resolved: 2021-06-08
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Prior to hidden classes, lambda proxy classes are defined as VM anonymous classes.   VM anonymous class has special access - same access as its host class.  Hence LambdaMetafactory is able to support invokespecial method handle to invoke a member of a superclass or superinterface of the target class even if the lambda proxy class is not a subtype of the method handle being invoked.

When LMF was converted to use hidden classes, LMF will convert `invokespecial` to access a member of its nestmate to `invokevirtual` or `invokeinterface` for binary compatibility.

But `invokespecial` invocation on a superclass would crash with `VerifyError`.  It's a regression.  Since javac generates a bridge method, this issue may not expose in the wild.

The possible solution is:
a) change/clarify the contract of LambdaMetafactory (only certain invokeSpecial method handles are supported) or
b) fall back in those cases to direct MethodHandle invocation