JDK-8246269 : keytool -printcert and -printcrl should support the -trustcacerts and -keystore options
  • Type: CSR
  • Component: security-libs
  • Sub-Component: java.security
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Approved
  • Fix Versions: 16
  • Submitted: 2020-06-01
  • Updated: 2020-06-23
  • Resolved: 2020-06-23
Related Reports
CSR :  

Add the support of `-trustcacerts` and `-keystore` options to `-printcert` and `-printcrl` commands for keytool.


The `-printcert` and `-printcrl` commands in keytool do not support the `-trustcacerts` and `-keystore` options. Hence, those commands won't be able to use trusted certificates when verifying untrusted artifacts that are signed by CAs. It would also cause warnings when the root CA is using a disabled or weak algorithm even that shouldn't be an issue as the key is being trusted.


Provide the support of `-trustcacerts` and `-keystore` options in keytool for `-printcert` and `-printcrl` commands.


Note that when a command in keytool supports the `-keystore` option, it will also support the provider-related options, `-storepass`, `-storetype` and `-protected` options as those options are used in loading the keystore.

The following changes will be made to the keytool manpage.

    @@ -833,6 +833,27 @@
         -   {`-jarfile` *JAR\_file*}: Signed `.jar` file
    +    -   {`-keystore` *keystore*}: Keystore name
    +    -   {`-trustcacerts`}: Trust certificates from cacerts
    +    -   \[`-storepass` *arg*\]: Keystore password
    +    -   {`-storetype` *type*}: Keystore type
    +    -   {`-providername` *name*}: Provider name
    +    -   {`-addprovider` *name* \[`-providerarg` *arg*\]}: Add security provider
    +        by name (such as SunPKCS11) with an optional configure argument.
    +    -   {`-providerclass` *class* \[`-providerarg` *arg*\]}: Add security
    +        provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure
    +        argument.
    +    -   {`-providerpath` *list*}: Provider classpath
    +    -   {`-protected`}: Password is provided through protected mechanism
         -   {`-v`}: Verbose output
         Use the `-printcert` command to read and print the certificate from `-file`
    @@ -860,7 +881,10 @@
    -    This option can be used independently of a keystore.
    +    This command can be used independently of a keystore. This command does not
    +    check for the weakness of a certificate's signature algorithm if it is a
    +    trusted certificate in the user keystore (specified by `-keystore`) or in
    +    the `cacerts` keystore (if `-trustcacerts` is specified).
     :   The following are the available options for the `-printcertreq` command:
    @@ -879,6 +903,27 @@
         -   {`-file crl`}: Input file name
    +    -   {`-keystore` *keystore*}: Keystore name
    +    -   {`-trustcacerts`}: Trust certificates from cacerts
    +    -   \[`-storepass` *arg*\]: Keystore password
    +    -   {`-storetype` *type*}: Keystore type
    +    -   {`-providername` *name*}: Provider name
    +    -   {`-addprovider` *name* \[`-providerarg` *arg*\]}: Add security provider
    +        by name (such as SunPKCS11) with an optional configure argument.
    +    -   {`-providerclass` *class* \[`-providerarg` *arg*\]}: Add security
    +        provider by fully qualified class name with an optional configure
    +        argument.
    +    -   {`-providerpath` *list*}: Provider classpath
    +    -   {`-protected`}: Password is provided through protected mechanism
         -   {`-v`}: Verbose output
         Use the `-printcrl` command to read the Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
    @@ -887,7 +932,10 @@
    -    This option can be used independently of a keystore.
    +    This command can be used independently of a keystore. This command attempts
    +    to verify the CRL using a certificate from the user keystore (specified by
    +    `-keystore`) or the `cacerts` keystore (if `-trustcacerts` is specified), and
    +    will print out a warning if it cannot be verified.
     ## Commands for Managing the Keystore


Approving to JDK 16. [~hchao], if you intend to get this into JDK 15, please withdraw the request, change the fix version, and re-finalize (in addition to the post-rampdown-1 JDK 15 processes).