JDK 23 |
23 b17Fixed |
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According to http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/2fbc66ef1a1d/src/hotspot/share/runtime/globals.hpp#l38 // develop flags are settable / visible only during development and are constant in the PRODUCT version // notproduct flags are settable / visible only during development and are not declared in the PRODUCT version which seems to suggest that using a nonproduct flag in a product build would result in a compiler error of non-declared variable. However, in the bottom of globals.hpp, nonproduct flags are declared in product build anyway. There doesn't seem to be any practical differences between nonproduct and develop flags. #ifdef PRODUCT #define DECLARE_DEVELOPER_FLAG(type, name, value, doc) const type name = value; #define DECLARE_PD_DEVELOPER_FLAG(type, name, doc) const type name = pd_##name; #define DECLARE_NOTPRODUCT_FLAG(type, name, value, doc) const type name = value; For simplicity, we should change all nonproduct flags to develop flags.