JDK-8231769 : Test tools/javac/tree/MakeTypeTest.java fails with -Xcheck:jni
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: hotspot
  • Sub-Component: runtime
  • Affected Version: 8,11,13,14
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Submitted: 2019-10-02
  • Updated: 2019-10-17
  • Resolved: 2019-10-11
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JDK 14
14 b19Fixed
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It looks like the JNI local handles capacity isn't enough in System.c:

52724:     // Ensure capacity for the array and for a string for each fixed length element
52724:     if ((*env)->EnsureLocalCapacity(env, nstrings + 2) < 0) {
52724:         return NULL;
52724:     }

-Xcheck:jni gives an error:

WARNING: JNI local refs: 74, exceeds capacity: 73
	at jdk.internal.util.SystemProps$Raw.vmProperties(java.base/Native Method)
	at jdk.internal.util.SystemProps$Raw.cmdProperties(java.base/SystemProps.java:253)
	at jdk.internal.util.SystemProps.initProperties(java.base/SystemProps.java:55)
	at java.lang.System.initPhase1(java.base/System.java:2004)

To reproduce run:
make test TEST=tools/javac/tree/MakeTypeTest.java JTREG="VM_OPTIONS=-Xcheck:jni"
This seems to affect all versions (checked back to 8). In 11, the same test fails with -Xcheck:jni. There is no such test in 8. Adding affected-versions.

URL: https://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/rev/7252d89e3a4e User: coleenp Date: 2019-10-11 12:49:53 +0000

Not sure absolute/relative is the right terminology for this. EnsureLocalCapacity "Ensures that at least a given number of local references can be created in the current thread." so it ensures sufficient space is available irrespective of how many jni refs already exist. So: if ((*env)->EnsureLocalCapacity(env, 1) < 0) is unlikely to have any affect as the initial capacity on method entry is 16 to start with. But see also JDK-8193222. Nesting of calls to ELC were not being handled correctly and the fix implemented was very simplistic. EDIT: Coleen's comment came in while I was composing mine.

It turns out that there was a jni handle leak in the vm create_from_platform_dependent_str(). The jniCheck capacity amount gives some slop space to account for deleted local handles, but this function wasn't deleting them.

It appears that the accounting of local capacity is not accurately keeping a cumulative summary of all of the EnsureLocalCapacity calls. During initialization System.c::vmProperties() calls JVM_GetProperties for each of the command line property keys and values. It in turn calls java_lang_String::create_from_platform_dependent_str to create individual strings in the libjava::jni_util.c::newSizedstring8859_1 it calls env-> EnsureLocalCapacity before calling env->NewString. It appears that in HotSpot:jniCheck.cpp: 838; the capacity argument is being treated as a absolute total number of jni refs, not a relative amount so the capacity is not being increased.