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In the valhalla nestmates branch, lambda metafactory is updated and replace the use of `Unsafe::defineAnonymousClass` with `Lookup::defineHiddenClass`. The lambda proxy class is a hidden nestmate of the target class and it follows the proper access control checks. In javac, LambdaToMethod::isProtectedInSuperClassOfEnclosingClassInOtherPackage determines when to desugar a protected method reference to a static method. In the following example, p.T.Sub and p.T.Sub1 are a subclass of q.I whereas p.T is not a subclass of q.I. In Sub::test, super::readFile will get desugared to a static method in p.T.Sub to invoke q.I::readFile. However, this::readFile does not get desugared and such a protected method reference passed to p.T::m, p.T has no access to q.I::readFile. When the lambda proxy class of p.T is defined as a hidden nestmate class, IAE is thrown as it fails to access q.I::readFile. In Sub1::test, such a protected method reference passed to Sub1::test, Sub1 has access to q.I::readFile but the lambda proxy class does not since it's not a subclass of q.I. In this case, it should be desugared as well. ------------------- p/T.java package p; import q.I; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.function.Function; public class T { public static void main(String... args) throws Throwable { Path p = Paths.get("test"); Sub sub = new Sub(); sub.test(p); Sub1 sub1 = new Sub1(); sub1.test(p); } private static void m(Function<Path,String> fileReader, Path path) { System.out.println(fileReader.apply(path)); } public static class Sub extends I { public void test(Path outputDir) { // this method reference is desugared to a static method: // REF_invokeSpecial p/T$Sub.lambda$test$0:(Ljava/nio/file/Path;)Ljava/lang/String; // as Sub is in package p, a different package from its its superclass m(super::readFile, outputDir); // this compiles to indy LMF with: // REF_invokeVirtual q/I.readFile:(Ljava/nio/file/Path;)Ljava/lang/String; // // p.T is not a subclass of q.I and so it has no access to q.I::readFile m(this::readFile, outputDir); } } public static class Sub1 extends I { public void test(Path outputDir) { test(this::readFile, outputDir); } private void test(Function<Path,String> fileReader, Path path) { System.out.println(fileReader.apply(path)); } } } ----- q/I.java package q; import java.nio.file.Path; public class I { protected String readFile(Path file) { return file.toString(); } } ----------------------- Attached test.zip reproduces the error when running with the binary built from valhalla nestmates branch. $ javac p/*.java q/*.java $ java p.Main Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class p.Main$$Lambda$1$$/0x0000000800b76a70 tried to access protected method 'java.lang.String q.I.readFile(java.nio.file.Path)' (p.Main$$Lambda$1$$/0x0000000800b76a70 and q.I are in unnamed module of loader 'app') at q.J.checkFile(J.java:14) at q.J.check(J.java:18) at p.Main.test(Main.java:31) at p.Main.main(Main.java:13) test/langtools/jdk/javadoc/doclet/testSingletonLists/TestSingletonLists.java also fails because of this issue.