Setting the path for subsystems visible via -XshowSettings ( is out-of-sync with the logic in Hotspot's osContainer_linux.cpp
Around line 87 in osContainer_linux.cpp function set_subsystem_path() has this:
if (strcmp(cgroup_path,"/") != 0) {
buflen = strlen(buf);
if ((buflen + strlen(cgroup_path)) > (MAXPATHLEN-1)) {
strncat(buf, cgroup_path, MAXPATHLEN-buflen);
buf[MAXPATHLEN-1] = '\0';
_path = os::strdup(buf);
The same piece of code in method setPath has:
if (cgroupPath.equals("/")) {
path = mountPoint + cgroupPath;
else {
path = mountPoint;
So the native code uses "'/' != cgroupPath" while the Java code has "'/' == cgroupPath".
This is an issue for implementing bits for JDK-8217338