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The launcher sets sun.desktop to either windows or gnome. It may once have been used to have it be motif on Solaris systems as it is read by Swing's UIManager to choose the system L&F I expect we can select defaults for each platform now and leave sun.desktop as an option to be set by the application and read by this same code. Or just remove it completely from Swing as well as the launcher. Here are the usage sites, the first of which is J2DBench !? 0 XMLHTMLReporter.java 1226 buffer.append("<tr><td bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\">sun.desktop</td><td>" + 1 XMLHTMLReporter.java 1227 sysProps.get("sun.desktop") + "</td></tr>"); 2 System.c 366 PUTPROP(props, "sun.desktop", sprops->desktop); 3 UIManager.java 660 String desktop = AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetPropertyAction("sun.desktop")); 4 SynthLookAndFeel.java 807 AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetPropertyAction("sun.desktop"));