JDK-8212031 : double check if JAXP have other candidates for top-level test library
  • Type: Sub-task
  • Component: xml
  • Sub-Component: jaxp
  • Affected Version: 12
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Submitted: 2018-10-11
  • Updated: 2018-10-23
  • Resolved: 2018-10-23
grepping test/jaxp for @library found the following jaxp-specific test libraries:
at a glance, only jaxp/javax/xml/jaxp/libs/jaxp/library/ directory has some classes which might be considered as generic and suggested for moving to the top-level library. and it seems there is only one such classed remained ��� jaxp.library.SimpleHttpServer, which will be handled by JDK-8211979
I'd really appreciate someone of jaxp team to (dis)confirm that there are no other "generic purpose" test library classes within jaxp test suite.
Alrigth, closed the task.

[~fyuan], thanks for confirming, you can go ahead and close the task.

Hi Igor I would close this task if you have no comment.

Igor, should we close this sub-task?

Confirmed. There is not any other generic purpose test library in jaxp test jdk/open/test/jaxp.

[~hyu], assign this one to you per Shura's and Sandeep's suggestion.