JDK-8209043 : [AOT] vm test cases are failing when multiple test cases are selected for execution in MultiJVM "group" mode
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: hotspot
  • Sub-Component: compiler
  • Affected Version: 11
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Duplicate
  • Submitted: 2018-08-07
  • Updated: 2019-11-15
  • Resolved: 2018-10-04
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please check comments section for steps to reproduce the issue.
sorry for the confusion i missed out here is the exact command this command is executed in the terminal by navigating to JCK-runtime-11 folder. TERMINAL>jaotc -J-Xmx7g -J-Xfuture --info -J-cp -Jclasses:lib/* --compile-commands compiletestvm.txt --output ../solibs/libjcktestvm.so --directory classes --ignore-errors

--compile-commands is a filter. The set of classes to compile is specified by the following arguments: --class-name <class names> List of classes to compile --jar <jarfiles> List of jar files to compile --module <modules> List of modules to compile --directory <dirs> List of directories where to search for files to compile Or by simply listing the classes at the end of the argument list. Are you sure you weren't using anything like that? No "--directory JCK-runtime-11/classes", for example ?

whatever we have to compile has to be present in a file and same file has to be given input to --compile-commands option of jaotc command, apart from this nothing needs to be done. in the above e.g. we have to compile package "javasoft.sqe.tests.vm.*" so here is the file compiletestvm.txt =============== compileOnly javasoft.sqe.tests.vm.* jaotc --compile-commands compiletestvm.txt ... nothing else.

But you have to specify a list of things to compile, right? Otherwise it will create a library with no methods in it.

8. execute the following command to create jaotc -J-Xmx7g -J-Xfuture --info --compile-commands compiletestvm.txt --output solibs/libjcktestvm.so compiletestvm.txt contents =========================== compileOnly javasoft.sqe.tests.vm.*

What is the exact command line (invoking jaotc) did you use to build libjcktestvm.so?

800+ test cases are failing because of this issue.

ILW = Tests fail with ClassNotFoundException, multiple tests with AOT compiled java.base and MultiJVM group mode, don't use AOT = HLM = P3 Could be related to JDK-8208673. Igor, could you please have a look?