Extend the switch statement so that it can be used as either a statement or an expression, and so that both forms can use either a traditional `case :` label (with fall through) or a simplified `case ->` label (no fall through).
When the switch statement is extended, the Compiler Tree API (in the [jdk.compiler]( module) should be extended as well.
JLS changes are covered by JDK-8207241. The Compiler Tree API will be enhanced with support for these changes.
The language and API changes, as a group, will constitute a _preview feature_ ([JEP 12]( in Java SE 12. Accordingly, the new APIs are marked as deprecated for removal.
The changes to the Compiler Tree API are attached as, and also available for convenience at
The API adds 2 new types, 7 new methods into existing types, 1 enum constant, and modifies 2 types and 2 methods.