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ADDITIONAL SYSTEM INFORMATION : Occurs on Windows 7 through Windows 10 when using JRE 8u172. Revert back to 8u162 and the problem does not occur. Reproduced 100% of the time on 4 workstations and 3 tablets running various i5-i7 processors. A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM : After upgrade from JRE 8u162 to JRE 8u172 the Java Application Cache appears to be broken. WebStart applications which have a desktop icon and normally run offline, all request to go online and must be downloaded again upon each execution. REGRESSION : Last worked in version 8u172 STEPS TO FOLLOW TO REPRODUCE THE PROBLEM : Install the 8u172 update on any Windows workstation or tablet. Follow a jnlp link such as: https://eappinstall.ntalife.com/AgentToolBox/AgentToolBox.jnlp which installs a desktop shortcut. Terminate the JavaFX application. Launch the supposedly installed application from the desktop shortcut and the user will be prompted to go online due to the WebStart application complaining that resources are missing. EXPECTED VERSUS ACTUAL BEHAVIOR : EXPECTED - Launch from the desktop shortcut does not prompt to go online. Application runs normally from cache. ACTUAL - Attempted launch from desktop shortcut prompts and forces end user to go online to re-download resources that should already be cached. ---------- BEGIN SOURCE ---------- <jnlp spec="7.0+" codebase="https://eappinstall.ntalife.com/AgentToolBox" href="AgentToolBox.jnlp"> <information> <title>NTA Agent e-App</title> <vendor>National Teachers Associates Life Insurance Company</vendor> <homepage href="https://eappinstall.ntalife.com/AgentToolBox/AgentToolBox.htm"/> <description>NTA Agent e-Application.</description> <icon href="images/nta_agent_eapp-icon64.png" /> <icon kind="shortcut" href="images/nta_agent_eapp-icon64.png" /> <icon href="images/nta_agent_eapp-icon32.png" /> <icon kind="default" href="images/nta_agent_eapp-icon32.png" /> <icon href="images/nta_agent_eapp-icon225.png" /> <icon kind="splash" href="images/nta_agent_eapp-icon225.png" /> <offline-allowed/> <shortcut online="false" install="true"> <desktop/> <menu submenu="My NTA Agent e-App"/> </shortcut> </information> <resources> <j2se version="1.8.0_172" href="http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se" initial-heap-size="512m" /> <jar href="AgentToolBox.jar" size="2700441" download="eager" main="true" /> <jar href="lib\itextpdf-5.4.4.jar" size="2185369" download="eager" /> <jar href="lib\jna.jar" size="810924" download="eager" /> <jar href="lib\jssh.jar" size="213644" download="eager" /> <jar href="lib\mail.jar" size="543934" download="eager" /> <jar href="lib\mailapi.jar" size="294973" download="eager" /> <jar href="lib\perst.jar" size="826524" download="eager" /> <extension name="BouncyCastle" href="bc.jnlp"/> </resources> <security> <all-permissions/> </security> <application-desc main-class="nta.Main"> </application-desc> <update check="always" policy="prompt-update"/> </jnlp> ---------- END SOURCE ---------- CUSTOMER SUBMITTED WORKAROUND : None, revert to JRE 8u162 FREQUENCY : always