Starting VM with " -Duser.language=zh��� as default locale.
According to the Locale.getDisplayName���() spec the values in parentheses should be comma separated:
However for the following example
Locale locale = new Locale("lll", "CCC", "VVV");
System.out.println("Locale.getDefault() = " + Locale.getDefault());
System.out.println("locale.getDisplayName() = " + locale.getDisplayName());
I get
Locale.getDefault() = zh_CN
locale.getDisplayName() = lll (CCC���VVV)
and (with default locale)
Locale.getDefault() = en_GB
locale.getDisplayName() = lll (CCC, VVV)
(see the difference in the used separator - it's comma v.s. '���')
Specification needs to be corrected.