High level HTTP Client and WebSocket API.
This CSR proposes to standardize the HTTP Client API that was introduced
as an incubating API in JDK 9 ( [JEP 110][110] ) and updated in JDK 10.
The incubated API has received a number of rounds of feedback that have
resulted in significant improvements, but at a high level it remains
largely the same.
The HTTP Client API provides non-blocking request and response semantics
through `CompletableFutures`, which can be chained to trigger dependent
actions. Back-pressure and flow-control of request and response bodies
is provided for via the Platform's [reactive-streams] [rx] support in
the `java.util.concurrent.Flow` API.
An [introduction to the API][intro] and [example usage][example] are
useful resources to quickly familiarize reviewers / readers with the
API. The code snippets in both of these resources demonstrate usage to
perform common tasks.
The HTTP Client API will be in the new `` module, which
exports a single package of the same name, ``.
High-level API types and their function:
* `HttpClient` - An HttpClient can be used to send requests and
retrieve their responses.
* `HttpRequest` - An immutable request containing the request URI,
headers, and optional body.
* `HttpRequest.BodyPublisher` - A BodyPublisher converts high-level
Java objects into a flow of byte buffers suitable for sending as a
request body.
* `HttpRequest.BodyPublishers` - Predefinded implementations of
`BodyPublisher` that implement various useful publishers, such as
publishing the request body from a String, or from a file.
* `HttpResponse` - An `HttpResponse` is made available when the
response status code and headers have been received, and typically
after the response body has also been completely received.
* `HttpResponse.BodyHandler` - Must be supplied for each
`HttpRequest` sent. The `BodyHandler` interface allows inspection
of the response code and headers, before the actual response body
is received, and is responsible for creating the response
* `HttpResponse.BodyHandlers` - Predefined implementations of
`BodyHandler` that implement various useful handlers, such as handling
the response body as a String, or streaming the response body to a
* `HttpResponse.BodySubscriber` - The `BodySubscriber` consumes
the actual response body bytes and converts them into a higher-level
Java type.
* `HttpResponse.BodySubscribers` - Predefined implementations of
`BodySubscriber` that implement various useful subscribers, such as
converting the response body bytes into a String, or streaming the
bytes to a file.
* `WebSocket` - A WebSocket client providing low-level access to
sending and receiving WebSocket messages.
The remaining API types can be seen the attached / linked javadoc.
On-line link to the javadoc:
### Removal of the incubating API
The `jdk.incubator.httpclient` module and ALL public types in the
`jdk.incubator.http` package will be remove. This constitutes a complete
removal of the incubating API added by [JEP 110][110].