JDK-8195120 : Finish SA OopStorage support
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: hotspot
  • Sub-Component: svc-agent
  • Affected Version: 11
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Open
  • Resolution: Unresolved
  • OS: generic
  • CPU: generic
  • Submitted: 2018-01-16
  • Updated: 2024-04-29
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JDK-8194312 added the class OopStorage.  It provided enough of an implementation for SA to be able to pass existing tests.  However, that SA implementation is just a stub, and needs to be finished.

What is needed is the implementation of the following OopStorage methods: public boolean findOop(Address handle) { // TODO: walk OopStorage to find the Oop return false; } public void oopsDo(AddressVisitor visitor) { // TODO: Visit handles in OopStorage } This requires adding the ability to access OopStorage instance fields, and knowing how to access the data in those fields, which are themselves of types that SA does not currently know about (Block, ActiveArray, and AllocationListEntry). There may be more. As for how this lack of support currently impacts SA, I can find 3 areas: - PointerFinder (as exposed by the clhsdb findpc/whatis commands) will not be able to properly detect if an address is a JNI global. It does have the proper logic in place, but relies on OopStorage.findOop(addr), which currently is not functional. - ReversePtrsAnalysis (as exposed by the clhsdb revptrs command) will not be able to include JNI globals in its analysis. - Heap dumps are not writing JNI globals (HPROF_GC_ROOT_JNI_GLOBAL). Once again the code is in place, but relies on OopStorage.oopsDo(addr) Note there are other types of OopStorage other than for JNI globals, but it seems these are primarily to cover roots embedded in hotspot objects (like a java.langThread oop in a hotspot Thread object), which is something SA was never taught how to access, so I don't think this part of the OopStorage support impacts SA.

Changing this from an enhancement to a bug.

My understanding is that without updating SA to know about OopStorage, many GC roots are potentially missed, resulting in an incomplete full heap dump or scan.

webrev for JDK-8194312: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kbarrett/8194312/open.01/index.html

[~kbarrett], can you clarify how/why this is important to SA? Is there some functionality that is missing or inaccurate as a result the lack OopStorage support?