Duplicate :
FULL PRODUCT VERSION : bug found on 8.151 b12 Stil present on commit 4ba184f0b4f6d0c113d58a09d0f124d0c55836ec on November 9 in jdk8u-dev mercurial A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM : keytool -importcert fails on French OS. in sun.security.tools.keytool.Resources(_fr) The english message are {"key.bit", "%d-bit %s key"}, {"key.bit.weak", "%d-bit %s key (weak)"}, when the French message are {"key.bit", "Cl\u00E9 %s %d bits"}, {"key.bit.weak", "Cl\u00E9 %s %d bits (faible)"}, The %s and %d are swapped and the call sun.security.tools.keytool.Main, line 3076 return String.format(rb.getString("key.bit"), KeyUtil.getKeySize(key), key.getAlgorithm()); fails on French enviroment REPRODUCIBILITY : This bug can be reproduced always. CUSTOMER SUBMITTED WORKAROUND : Use older version or change OS language