org/omg/CORBA/ was introduced in JDK-8049375, this test changes JDK under testing:
66: String orbPropertiesFile = System.getProperty("java.home", ".") + "/conf/";
70: try (PrintWriter hfPWriter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(
71: new FileWriter(orbPropertiesFile, false)))) {
72: hfPWriter.println(orbPropertiesMappings);
73: } catch (IOException ioEx) {
After this test run, file is left in the jdk-9/conf/
$ cat jdk-9/conf/
org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass TestOrbImpl
org.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass TestSingletonOrbImpl
This changes JDK behaviour and many corba tests run after this test will then fail.