JDK-8162949 : [WebView] WebView can't display social network icons on wellsfargo.com
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: javafx
  • Sub-Component: web
  • Affected Version: 8u112
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Submitted: 2016-08-02
  • Updated: 2020-01-31
  • Resolved: 2016-08-05
The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed.

Unresolved : Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed.
Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

To download the current JDK release, click here.
8u112Fixed 9Fixed
Related Reports
Relates :  
Reproducible: always
Platform-specific: no
Regression: yes (works fine in 8u101)
Steps to reproduce: open https://wellsfargo.com in WebView and scroll to the bottom
Expected: gray icons of some social networks dispalyed
Actual result: blank row.

Images are loaded as svg/base64, so JDK-8160769 is probably related to current issue.
UR SQE OK to take it in PSU16_04 - fix of a regression caused by WebKit update.

it's done (pushed to 8u-dev) and fixed in 8u122

It should be pushed to 8u-dev first.

Upgraded to critical-request: needs to be approved as a fix of regression

@Arun: as of now, the missing Reviewed-by field won't cause a problem. Please add it for the backport, though.

Oops! I missed out adding "Reviewed-by:" field in the commit log. Hope it is not an issue.

changeset: 565bfb8c6b0d date: Thu Aug 04 22:02:52 2016 +0530 8162949: [WebView] WebView can't display social network icons on wellsfargo.com Reviewed-by: kcr, ghb, mbilla URL: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/9-dev/rt/rev/565bfb8c6b0d

I tested this fix and able to see social network icons. One observation is after loading wellsfargo.com, i done resizing of webview few times randomly and quite often, i see only a part of the page is scrolling and not able to scroll complete page (attached the screen shots) .I see the problem even after reloading the page also. I checked without this fix and issue is still reproducible. We can raise a new bug to track this issue. +1


There is a DRT test to cover svg-back-ground image[1], but it is based on the render tree dump, which will pass anyway[2]. We need to find a way to do pixel based unit testing for these kinds of issues. [1] http://jfxsrc.us.oracle.com/hg/sandbox/javafx/9/drt-int/file/b576bce04930/LayoutTests/svg/css/background-image-svg.html [2] http://aurora.ru.oracle.com/functional/faces/ChessBoard.xhtml?reportName=J2SEFailures&parameters=%5BtestNameFilterRegExp%5Dsvg%2Fcss%2Fbackground-image-svg.html%5Bjdkproduct%5DJava%28TM%29%25%5Brelease%5Dnone%5Bbuild%5D%25%5Bvmproduct%5DJava%25VM%25%5Bvmrelease%5D%25%5Bvmbuild%5D%25%5Bcomponent%5D%25%5Btags%5D%25%5BstartDate%5DSep+9%2C+2009+10%3A00%3A00+PM+UTC%5BendDate%5DSep+9%2C+2020+10%3A00%3A00+PM+UTC%5BrunNames%5D%271452401.ManualSubmit-1%27%5BbatchNames%5D%27%27%5BbatchNameFilterRegExp%5D%25%5BrunNameFilterRegExp%5D%25%5BtestsuiteNameFilterRegExp%5D%25%5Bstatuses%5D%281%3D1%29%5Bmatches%5D%281%3D1%29%5Bbundles%5Dnone&filter=&splitting=%5BX+axis%5Dplatform%2C+baselineName%5BZ+axis%5Dcomponent%2C+testsuite%5BY+axis%5Dfailure%2C+reason%2C+productConfiguration%2C+release%2C+build%2C+date%2C+buildType%5BComplement%5Dvmrelease%2C+vmbuild%2C+VMVersionString%2C+JDKVersionString%2C+tags%2C+groups%2C+SEorEmb%2C+truncatedProductConfiguration%2C+bitness%2C+VMMode%2C+JDKProfile%2C+VMFlavor%2C+hostname%2C+os%2C+osFlavor%2C+osVersion%2C+month%2C+buildDate%2C+msDate%2C+baseline%2C+emb_arch%2C+emb_arch2%2C+batch%2C+runName%2C+harness%2C+testbaseVersion%2C+testbase%2C+fullTestsuite%2C+crs%2C+bugType%2C+duration&reference=%5BOthers%5Drelease%2C+build%2C+vmrelease%2C+vmbuild%2C+VMVersionString%2C+JDKVersionString%2C+tags%2C+groups%2C+platform%2C+SEorEmb%2C+truncatedProductConfiguration%2C+buildType%2C+bitness%2C+productConfiguration%2C+VMMode%2C+JDKProfile%2C+VMFlavor%2C+hostname%2C+os%2C+osFlavor%2C+osVersion%2C+date%2C+month%2C+buildDate%2C+msDate%2C+baseline%2C+emb_arch%2C+emb_arch2%2C+batch%2C+runName%2C+harness%2C+testbaseVersion%2C+testbase%2C+fullTestsuite%2C+testsuite%2C+component%2C+baselineName%2C+failure%2C+reason%2C+crs%2C+bugType%2C+duration%5BReference+Set%5D&mixReference=false&flags=&significance=empty&hideDataConfiguration=true&calculateSummary=false&showSummaryExpanded=false&showSummaryContents=true&showComplementAttributes=false&compactTables=true&viewStyle=chessboard&filter_override=

+1 Ideally we would have a DRT test for this. Is there an existing test we can use or one we could modify?

During the scroll operation, WebCore sets negative translation based on the scroll offset, so we need to consider the current transformation matrix while storing the clip information. http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~arajkumar/8162949/webrev.00

Added critical-watch label, need to fix or defer

It is not a regression of JDK-8160260, but it is introduced after new WebKit upgrade(JDK-8156698). Looks like JDK-8160260 missed considering transformation matrix while updating the clipBounds.

SVG drawing is skipped when image is located in the scrollable area with no-repeat CSS property.

Attached a simplified test case to reproduce the issue.

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