The stack size specified is too small, Specify at least 384k
Test started with pid: 86114
From Dan D:
options[0].optionString = "-Xint";
options[1].optionString = "-Xss328k";
options[2].optionString = javaclasspathopt;
vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_2;
vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_TRUE;
vm_args.options = options;
vm_args.nOptions = 3;
if (JNI_CreateJavaVM (&_jvm, (void **)&env, &vm_args) < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Test ERROR. Can't create JavaVM\n");
Don't know where that magic "-Xss328k" came from, but it's
not going to work on a platform (ARM64) that requires 384K.