JDK-8158176 : Java plugin hangs, if applet is relaunched in older JRE release family
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: deploy
  • Sub-Component: plugin
  • Affected Version: 8u92
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Duplicate
  • OS: windows
  • Submitted: 2016-05-30
  • Updated: 2016-09-13
  • Resolved: 2016-09-09
Related Reports
Duplicate :  
JRE 8u92 b14

MS Windows 7 OS

An applet cannot be loaded, Java Plugin hangs and Internet Explorer (IE) browser may become frozen, when all of the following conditions are met:

1. The applet requests for being launched in JRE 7, for example via "java_version" applet deployment parameter "<param name="java_version" value="1.7*"/>" in "APPLET" tag in the web page HTML code, while on the host JRE 8 is also installed, for example JRE 8u92 b14 and JRE 7u101 b14.
2. Both the file "C:\Users\<USER_NAME>\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.properties" and the directory "C:\Users\<USER_NAME>\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache" do not exist in the file system.
On 08/26/2016 I verified that the bug is reproducible with JDK 8u101 b13 and is not reproducible with JDK 8u102 b14, JDK 8u112 b10, JDK 8u111 b10. It was practically proven that the bug was resolved in JDK 8u102 b01 by the fix for the bug JDK-8003984 and still stays resolved in October JDK 8 CPU/PSU releases. Unofficial build of JRE 8u101 b13 for MS Windows OS with the fix for the bug JDK-8003984 and 13 other fixes identified as related to it was created and provided to the user. The following 14 fixes were included in this build: 1. JDK-8003984 2. JDK-8055448 (closely related to JDK-8003984) 3. JDK-8131070 (closely related to JDK-8003984) 4. JDK-8147627 (closely related to JDK-8003984) 5. JDK-6999748 (closely related to JDK-8003984) 6. JDK-8133495 (closely related to JDK-8003984) 7. JDK-8149497 (closely related to JDK-8003984) 8. JDK-8131902 (regression of JDK-8003984) 9. JDK-8150842 (regression of JDK-8003984) 10. JDK-8156085 (regression of JDK-8131070) 11. JDK-8161986 (regression of JDK-8003984) 12. rollback of JDK-8159929 (needed to apply JDK-8133495) 13. JDK-8144791 (implementation of JDK-8159929 for JDK 8u102) 14. JDK-8159841 (regression of JDK-8144791) On 09/07/2016 the user confirmed that the issue could be reproduced with JRE 8u101 b13 and that the user could not reproduce it neither with the provided unofficial build of JRE 8u101 b13, nor with JRE 8u102 b14. Closing the bug as a duplicate of JDK-8003984.

On 06/09/2016 the minimal test case was created. The bug was reproduced on MS Windows 7 OS in IE 11 browser with JRE 8u92 b14, JRE 7u101 b14 installed. On 06/23/2016 it was defined that the bug appeared in JDK 8u92 b01 and the bug does not exist in JDK 8u91, since the bug could not be reproduced with JRE 8u91 b15, JRE 7u101 b14 installed on the host. It was practically proven that this bug is caused by the fix for the bug JDK-8139463, since the bug could not be reproduced with JDK 8 compiled from the source code of JDK 8u92 with the rolled back fix JDK-8139463.