According to documentation, The implementation of this method is equivalent to: MethodHandle countedLoop(MethodHandle start, MethodHandle end, MethodHandle init, MethodHandle body) { MethodHandle returnVar = dropArguments(identity(init.type().returnType()), 0, int.class, int.class); // assume MH_increment and MH_lessThan are handles to x+1 and x<y of type int MethodHandle[] indexVar = {start, MH_increment}, // i = start; i = i+1 loopLimit = {end, null, MH_lessThan, returnVar }, // i<end bodyClause = {init, dropArguments(body, 1, int.class)}; // v = body(i, v); return loop(indexVar, loopLimit, bodyClause); } Please, observe attached example. In this example handles for 'x+1' and 'x+y' was created as f(x) and f(x,y). In the case of 'prohibited' functions combination, they throws IAE. But these exceptions have slightly different messages: found non-effectively identical parameter type lists: step: [MethodHandle(int,int)int, null, MethodHandle(Lambdaman,int,int)String] pred: [null, MethodHandle(int,int)boolean, null] fini: [null, MethodHandle(int,int,String)String, null] (common parameter sequence: [int, int, class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String]) and found non-effectively identical parameter type lists: step: [MethodHandle(int)int, null, MethodHandle(Lambdaman,int,int)String] pred: [null, MethodHandle(int,int)boolean, null] The difference is in the first argument list of 'step'. Current jdk9 implementation reference to 'x+1' is f(x,limit)=x+1. It seems this is the origin of difference. So, 'implementation requirements' code is not equals to jdk9 implementation. Was found on jdk9b108, jdk9b109, jdk9b110. Test development in progress, tck_red will be added after test development is completed. Example is in attachment.