JDK-8124576 : Some websites render garbage when scrollbar is used on Linux
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: javafx
  • Sub-Component: web
  • Affected Version: 8
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Submitted: 2013-04-29
  • Updated: 2015-06-17
  • Resolved: 2013-08-06
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Some websites render garbage when scrollbar is used on Linux.
Among them are:

Check attached screenshot for capitalone.com as an example.

This can be seen in both hardware mode (as reported by Evergreen) and software (default fallback) mode.
Please, set value for "Fix Version/s" field.

This issue has been fixed by RT-32039.

This is the same issue as in RT-32039. As far as I can see all problems disappear if I apply the fix from RT-32039.

This might be related to RT-31536 - many of affected websites are also affected by that bug.

Affected tests: sites/craiglist.org.html sites/craigslist.com.html sites/go.com.html sites/salesforce.com.html sites/windows.com.html sites/yelp.com.html

Previously affected tests: sites/capitalone.com.html sites/craiglist.org.html sites/craigslist.com.html sites/go.com.html sites/nytimes.com.html sites/salesforce.com.html sites/windows.com.html sites/yelp.com.html

I'm afraid I'll have to reopen this issue. As for Lombard b99, the problem still manifests itself (on Ubuntu 12.04, 32bit, SW mode at least). Not all the sites which were reported initially are affected, but it looks pretty much the same for the rest.

The fix has been pushed as http://jfxsrc.us.oracle.com/javafx/8.0/scrum/graphics/rt/rev/285f987b64ca

So for the AC case we even save one JNI upcall. Cool ;)

Here is the fix. Webrev: http://javaweb.us.oracle.com/jcg/fx-webrevs/RT-30080/3 The idea is to call the root layer's setNeedsDisplayInRect() method in response to ChromeClient::scroll() request when accelerated compositing is in effect, as other ports do. Testing: http://capitalone.com http://craiglist.org http://craigslist.com http://go.com http://nytimes.com http://salesforce.com http://windows.com http://yelp.com http://www.webkit.org/blog-files/leaves http://javaweb.sfbay.sun.com/~epavlova/Performance/JavaFX2/mexsantos http://neography.com/experiment/circles/solarsystem http://meyerweb.com/eric/css/edge/complexspiral/demo.html http://davidwalsh.name/demo/css-fixed-position.php http://demo.tutorialzine.com/2010/06/microtut-how-css-position-works/demo.html

This is in fact a regression from RT-RT-22913, masked by RT-29123.

It turns out many of those issues are regressions from RT-29123. Once the regression is fixed, we'll revisit the touch events issue.

In addition to removing touch events from build files, this webrev also cleans up Java code. Overall this fix is a partial revert of RT-21052. http://javaweb.us.oracle.com/jcg/fx-webrevs/RT-30080/2

This is the famous touch event problem again. See RT-22914 for details. The problem with all those sites is: they detect presence of 'ontouchstart' and similar touch-related attributes, and switch to touch interface, ignoring mouse events completely. We enable touch events at build time, so WebView has those attributes defined even if the hardware it runs on is not touch capable. So both sides are guilty: sites could arguably do a better job at handling both types of events, and we're lying about being able to send touch events when we are not. Ideally we'd check for touch-enabled hardware at runtime, and turn touch event support on or off respectively. Unfortunately there's no simple way to do that with Webkit. We could probably hack into the JS machine and undefine 'ontouchstart' and similar attributes, but this is going to be an unreliable hack. So I suggest turning touch event support back off in WebView. We may want to investigate the JS machine hacking option later if people complain. Webrev: http://javaweb.us.oracle.com/jcg/fx-webrevs/RT-30080/1